The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Martyboy's Garden

Martyboy has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Cornus Kousa Weiss Fontaine

Added on 20 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Bought as a five year old tree for immediate impact in the centre of the garden. It's amazing, lots of flow...

Fremontodendron, California Glory

Added on 20 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Never thought that this would take in my windy garden, especially since it is trained to run against a wire trel...

Geum, Mrs Bradshaw

Added on 20 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Great little plant, growing under my cornus kousa tree. Lots of tight red flowers with yellow centres. It look...