about my greenhouse
By mary
hi all new to the site my name is Mary i am retried spend my days in
the greenhouse sowing seeds and picking out.
i have got two gh one is heated the other is not i grow some bulbs lily,sparaxis,also grow fuchsia,roses,but i like to grow from seed hear is what i have got going at the moment.
morning glory,night scented stock,aquilegia,marigold,godetia,
livingstone daisy,rudbeckia,poppies,love-in-a-mist,nemophily,
zinnia,geranium,gazania,dahlia,tagetes,and chrysanthemum
30 Apr, 2008
More blog posts by mary
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Hello Mary welcome to the site. I'm growing dahlias, marigolds, lettuce, tomatoes and peppers from your list and it's the first time for me too fingers crossed all does well.
Good luck with your seeds Mary let us know how you get on.Hel.xxx.
30 Apr, 2008
Welcome to GOY Mary. Sounds like you have a real jewel filled spot. Good luck with it all and let us see some pics of the results
30 Apr, 2008
Hallo Mary and welcome to the site. I'm retired, too. I love spending time in the garden and greenhouse but I'm not growing as many seeds as you. I have grown red Cosmos which I've pricked out, three types of Rudbeckia, Antirrhinum and Linum so far. I've got some seeds from the RHS which I'm going to try next. Mostly I buy plug plants, though, so the greenhouse and cold frame are full-to-bursting!
30 Apr, 2008
Hi Mary,
Glad you joined. I love growing seeds and I'm really fond of Rudbeckias. I haven't sewn any seeds yet because my garden is being altered at the moment and my greenhouse has not been erected yet. I'm missing out on the excitement. Good luck with your sewings !
1 May, 2008
Hi Mary, hello from me too, you will enjoy using this site I know.
Can anyone tell me how to germinate rudbeckias, I nver seem to have any luck!
1 May, 2008
I didn't do anything special, Andrea, I just followed the packet instructions and covered the seed trays with lids - like a propagator lid but no heat underneath. My failure this year has been Antirrhinums - two packets later and no seedlings. Too cold do you think?
1 May, 2008
Welcome to GOY Mary and best of luck with your seeds.
4 May, 2008
hi all thanks for the welcome glad to be on board
5 May, 2008
Recent posts by mary
- my son at his passing out parade
3 May, 2009
- merry christmas
24 Dec, 2008
- rain
13 Oct, 2008
hi mary, welcome to GOY. this yr i am trying vegtables from seed, hopefully they will come up alrite.
30 Apr, 2008