My Somerset Garden, Day 11
By micky45
Hi Friends
Good morning, I haven’t had the news on yet so not sure of the state of play weather wise, all I can say is I hope you’ve stocked up well in case you get snowed in “best of luck all of you”.
Well I have finally succumbed and ordered a new Battery for my camera after about 4 years, I like to get maximum useage out of things so feel it’s time to have a new one, lol!, hopefully lots more pics for you all.
I have also succumbed to showing you our very untidy and horrible looking garden as it is currently, I will tidy it up, i’m off after today so here’s hoping providing the frost eases off, I’ve also posted a pic of the massive ash tree 2 doors away, after quite a few comments it seems pretty obvious it needs a good prune to get all that dead growth off it.
The other year I had a hernia repair operation and was moving about quite slowly afterwards and taking small steps!…. The neighbour was talking about the tree and within 5 mins I had the ladder out and had climbed into the crown of the tree, I must have been crazy to do that, can you imagine if the surgeon had seen me? he would have gone ballistic , but that’s gardening isn’t it, once your hooked you really are hooked, lol.
My other half was going "so Mick….. what are you going to do about the garden after you’ve had your op then? almost gloating thinking it would stop me, I just said “well There are plenty of others to do the work still, I will just sit down and dish the orders out while i’m supping my tea!”….he just walked off!
The cats are still popping out for u no what’s ! they have fur coats on though don’t they so probably don’t even feel the cold anyway.
Does anyone have the rhus staghorn sumach tree? it can be considered invasive and a pest as it can sucker uncontrollably but we have one and it never gets any bigger, it just re-sprouts and sheds but remains the same size, i’m a bit dissapointed as I want ours to get big but I think it’s not the common one, i think it might be the cut- leaved stag’s horn sumach (rhus typhina dissecta (laciniata) which may be a little bit less prone to being naughty! do you think if I chopped it right down to base it would stimulate new growth, any comments please!
we have re-designed the far end of the garden so we can enjoy it more as a viewing area when the summer comes, there is a cherry tree down there which is coming on strong now, it was trailing on the ground so i cut it back a bit, , don’t really know much about trees and hope I did the right thing! haven’t killed it though, I think it will start to push up soon, can’t wait to sit down there and take in the view and listen to my beloved Black Birds in the spring! “heavenly”
Also we have a Lilac which is slow but showing promising signs, I think 2010 is going to be a good year for strong growth!
I will also post a picture of the new rose sitting area, there is a lavatera on the left hand side but that’s gone now, We have Sheila’s perfume, Gertrude Jeckyl and Zephrine Droughin which will intertwine with the lovely white Cleatis Montana "hopefully, also there is a veronicastrum “culvers root” which is sort of a high Veronica, It’s never really had space to grow but I think that will change now. “it’s not finished yet so bear with me please”
It is hit and miss sometimes with plants but most are not set in stone so you can change them “at the right time”
I love the montana’s as they are very vigorous and very hardy, you basically just leave them to get on with it with the minimum of fuss.
Anyway friends I must get ready for work now, Thank you as always for the lovely comments, including the cat’s!
Speak soon
Regards, Micky 45.
20 Dec, 2009
Previous post: My Somerset Garden, Day 10.
Next post: My Somerset Garden,day 12 and 13!!
If you type rhus into the GOY search box a lot of info and discussion comes up.
20 Dec, 2009
Interesting blog and photos as always....
20 Dec, 2009
Micky I have a rheus. I untied it from it's stake last year as it was about 10 years old. Unfortunately it is now leaning over at a 40 degree angle and I am thinking of chopping it down to the base. It has grown into quite a large tree and I did have problems with suckers the first few years. I think if you cut it down it would sprout again but don't know how tall it would grow and it would probably throw up lots of suckers again. I have some pics of the tree in my GOY photo page.
20 Dec, 2009
That is a big ash tree! I haven't got a Rhus - so no comment, I'm afraid.
I have got 'Zepherinhe Drouhin' though - she's a beauty, isn't she! :-)))
20 Dec, 2009
LOVE all the wooden structures Mickey...:>)
20 Dec, 2009
Lovely blog and pictures...:)
22 Dec, 2009
Recent posts by micky45
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- My Somerset Garden, 24th April 2010, I've been naughty, VERY NAUGHTY!
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- My Somerset Garden, April 23rd 2010, Hard at work but worth it when things look nice!
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- My Somerset Garden, 22nd April 2010, Having a great time in the sun!
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- My Somerset Garden April 22nd 2010 "here's an idea ! "
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- My Somerset Garden March 11th 2010
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Interesting blog and lovely pics as usual.
20 Dec, 2009