Guess Where????? :O)
By misscupcake
Ok I’m sure Di and Cristina will know straight away where this place is. I was in work from 07:30 this morning and had no idea how lovely the weather was outside. When I stepped outside my first thought was to get to this garden centre before closing. So I made it with an hour to spare and had a lovely walk round and spent far too much money again…………..Ssssssshhhhh don’t tell Mr Cupcake ;O)
I had to buy this Peony!
Now if only I could make my garden look like that place!
26 Jun, 2011
Previous post: The trials & tribulations of a new gardener - Part 3
Next post: The trials & tribulations of a new gardener - Part 4
What a lovely place, don't blame you for buying that paeonie! I would be going back there for a few more plants, I can see the attraction. Is it far from you?
27 Jun, 2011
lol ............. i know !!! its across the rd from me ........... why did you not knok on my door !!! naurty girl hehe , have put 2 blogs on my self of the vicaridge have a look , ohhhh and dis garden as well .....................
i love it over there , and often go and have a coffee with jennette the owners .
or she will bob over here ................... did you go round the jungle !!!. next time let me know hun , and you can bob over here for tea and cakes lol
27 Jun, 2011
Ha Lilbet I bought some alpines, a camellia, the peony bowl of beauty, some perennials I forget their name, a big thistle plant again forgot the name, some geraniums, some wood border edging and a wooden toadstool. I'll post the names later and some pics :0)
ST it is a fair drive from me but it's not far from my work so I went from there.
Cristina I knew you lived near but not that near. I just went on the spur of the moment after work but next time I'll arrange to meet you :0)
27 Jun, 2011
Oh ho! You were verrrry naughty! Good girl! I'm sure they were all absolute bargains!! Look forward to the pics! ;0)
27 Jun, 2011
lol dont 4 get ................ you must have past my house then , where do you work !! you looked at my blog on dis garden !! it was gawjuss................
27 Jun, 2011
That's a nice place to spend some money :)
27 Jun, 2011
Hywel it really is, it's called The Vicarage Botanical Gardens in Carrington.................well worth a visit!
Cristina, Di had told me about this place and when I saw your blog it made me want to go even more. I decided to go spur of the minute on Sun. I work at The Christie in Withington so it's not far at all :O)
27 Jun, 2011
Lilbet they're always a bargain, the same as any shoes I buy ;O) I actually had a look and I got more than I thought. I got a Pulmonaria - Mrs Moon, Berkheya - silver spikes, Camellia - desire, Aquilegia - cameo mixed, Geranium - endressii, Geranium x oxonianum Claridge Druce, Armeria, Campanula - alliarifolia, not to mention the Peony, border edging and toadstool :O)
27 Jun, 2011
you did very well , must have spent loads hun , well if you are passing , i am right oppsite the air products . on opp side to vic. sycomore cottage , lots of trees so you do have to look !!! bus stop ust outside .
28 Jun, 2011 favourite place :)))
Hope you enjoyed it's beautiful isn't it? :)
28 Jun, 2011
Cristina we will defo have to meet there and Di it's amazing! :O)
28 Jun, 2011
its a date then ................ you tooo di , x
28 Jun, 2011
30 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by misscupcake
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- 3 Weeks off...........eek!
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- The trials & tribulations of a new gardener - Part 4
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- The trials & tribulations of a new gardener - Part 3
19 Jun, 2011
- The trials & tribulations of a new gardener - Part 2
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Oh, Mcc, isn't that idyllic?! Fantastic pics too pet, thanks for taking the trouble to put this blog together, what with sizing and loading the pics, blogs can take a while! And all after working all must be pooped!
You didn't tell us what you bought? (Whisper it, we won't tell MrCc!! ;0)) And your garden will be beautiful in it's own unique way, It'll be your very own garden!!
27 Jun, 2011