Misscupcake's Profile

About me
Hello everyone,
So I'm fairly new to gardening and have a LOT to learn and am loving every second of the process. It all started last year after a busy night shift (I'm a Staff Nurse at an Oncology Hospital) my colleague said she was going to sleep in her garden. As it was my last night I thought what a wonderful idea if only my garden was fit for relaxing in!
The house was my other halfs Dad's before he moved back to Africa and we bought it. He had always kept it nice but plain. Between us moving in and him leaving we rented it out for a while and the garden really was left to ruin. That and the new addition of a rather boisterous Springer Spaniel named Mr Otis really was the last straw for the poor landscape of my garden.
So last year I phoned my Mum and declared my new found interest in transforming the landscape of my garden. Needless to say everyone laughed a little too hard at my idea and continually reminded me that I couldn't garden in high heels and false eyelashes! A very rude gardener (one I had asked for a quote for a new lawn) told me not to waste my money or bother as I was obviously no gardner! Everyone that is but my Mum who listened for hours on end to my ideas, trailed round garden centres with me, stayed up late potting plants and bushes, helped me paint fencing, roped my Dad into getting me a ton of purple slate (thanks Dad) and had him building fences and gates for me. Me and Mum are so in love with gardening now and have a real lovely hobby to enjoy together. Unfortunately Mum became ill at the end of last year so things got put on hold but as she goes through treatment and gets better we have found a beautiful distraction and truly wonderful therapeutic hobby. Together we continue to plan our dream gardens and have ideas way to big for our budgets but we will get there. It's funny how gardens fill you with hope and help you look to the future. :0)
I look forward to getting to know you all and really am grateful for the time and patience you have already shown me and hopefully will continue to show as I ask the many many many many.........questions I have. It's a whole new world for me I'm just sorry I didn't do this so much sooner!
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Joined in May 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cheshire