Missyrolph's Profile

About me
I'm a newly converted lover of gardening and it's turned into a bit of an obsession. I'm an opera singer and find there is nothing better after a hard days rehearsing or teaching than to wind down with a spot of time potting, cutting or planting. I'm in the process of relandscaping my large garden which, before the summer, looked like the neglected wilds and very sad and now is restored to colour and health. I have recently built a kitchen garden which is a 4 and a half foot by ten foot structure filled with mushroom compost, compost and top soil. I'm growing herbs (chocolate mint is divine), tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries and raspberries.
I have an alpine rockery which isn't very mature at present and a garden swing at the bottom of my garden.
This week I am having turfs laid so that i actually have a lawn with room for bedding down either side. And my patio is covered in pots with marigolds, busy lizzie, dahlias, daises,lavender, and a lovely flowering sage called "hot lips"!!!
i have a climbing hydrangea also at the front of my house which has a long way to go but will be beautiful in a couple of years.
I recently grew giant sunflowers and sweetpeas from seed and there is something so fulfilling to see them flourish resplendent in colour! I look forward to chatting to all you avid gardeners out there.
All tips on growing veg particularly welcome!
Happy gardening!
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Joined in Aug 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: East Sussex