This is about my garden...a novice start.
Hi Grows on you….I am pleased to be a member of your online garden site. I love to garden. Living in the country in southern Ontario has its challenges. This summer 2012 it has been the heat and lack of rain. The property is 3 acres and most is in grass and outbuildings…but my porch and garden in the back are like shangrila for me. I have been re-designing the east area of the property. It takes a big change to make a small impact when you have a larger property. 10 cubic yards of mulch later and it looks like a small edge garden from the road. My better half collects John Deere antique farm machinery and two cylinder tractors…so rusty metal ornamentation is easy to come by. The spring flowers are so exciting to see in the garden after the winter. This season has been hastened by the weather and the orange lilies traditionally out about the 10th of July…were in full bloom by mid June. The iris, yucca and wegilia are long gone for this season and I have a sunflower blooming already! What gives??? Well enough about my garden for now…I have another story to tell about the wildlife.
16 Jul, 2012
Next post: Woof!
Welcome to Goy Moira, it will be good to see some pics of your garden, even the metal ornaments will be most welcome, we like to see what others are doing in their space and obviously a different country is always of interest to us.....
16 Jul, 2012
Hello and welcome to GOY Moria looking forward to seeing your photos.
16 Jul, 2012
Hi Ya Moira, welcome to GOY.
Great 1st blog, cant wait to see some photos :-)
16 Jul, 2012
Hello again Moira.... Willinilli ^ is the one I told you to watch out for ;0))
16 Jul, 2012
Hi Moria and welcome to GoY. Looking forward to seeing some photos. Sounds like you've got a great spot.
16 Jul, 2012
welcome to GoY Moira, it will be good to hear more about your garden
16 Jul, 2012
Welcome to GoY Moira :o)
It was interesting to read about your garden.
16 Jul, 2012
Same here. Its amazing the amount of land people have in Canada. Nice that you call it a garden, and not 'the yard.' You will get lots of ideas from this site.
17 Jul, 2012
Hello, Moira - I've been waiting for your appearance with bated breath. Welcome to Goy! Another artist who likes gardening, I believe! We need pictures, and lots of 'em, too.
Ignore the disgruntled, rainsoaked bunch in the UK ;o), some of us have other problems with the weather, and we have had the same ones as you by the sound of it.
I hope Lil has warned you about the madness of this site. Some of us (and I am mentioning no names here, you understand) should either publish books or be certified and carted off to the funny farm. You have been warned!
17 Jul, 2012
Welcome from me too, Lil hasn't put you off then ? ..that's good...looking forward to your input on here...I see Gattina has already forewarned you about certain members...and I will be honest,I have a feeling I could be one of them ! Lol.....although she has been very tactful by not naming names .:o) If you don't mind a bit of fun,and gardening as well,you are in the right place..always a good combination :o)
17 Jul, 2012
welcome moira, happy gardening :o)
17 Jul, 2012
Thats absolute rubbish Gattina. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Its a very good site. I enjoy it twice daily.
In between the rain problem.
We had a nice summer afternoon yesterday, so I went for a short walk (have had knee trouble) and was amazed to see huge Wheat fields with fat ears of Wheat.
Hopefully we wont get so much White Fly on the Brassicas this winter, as they have had to grow Rape for many years.
The farmers wont be moaning about the weather this year!
18 Jul, 2012
I shall take my tongue out of my cheek, then, Diane. Goodness knows, I moan every bit as much, and probably a lot more than everyone else - just about different things.
18 Jul, 2012
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Hi Moira,welcome to grows on you...looking forward to seeing your pictures soon and hearing all about the wildlife.
16 Jul, 2012