Montanagardener's Profile

About me
I live in the Bitterroot Valley in western Montana near Missoula.
I am a native Montanan which is a little unusual. Our state is beautiful, diverse in landscape and offers some of the most beautiful places to visit and recreate in. If you have not been to Glacier National Park, you have missed a treat. There are many wilderness areas in our state and I am minutes from a trailhead to one such area of a million acres. It is great to hike with the dogs and see the many wild flowers in spring and summer.
I have always had a vegetable garden in the many places I've lived in Montana. Because of elevation I haven't always been able to grow tomatoes outside. Where I am now, that is possible. I am still eating some that were harvested before our first frosts a month ago.
I am not as astute at recognizing plants by their scientific name and hope to learn a lot from this website.
I am also a watercolorist and have painted many flowers and landscapes. Feel free to visit my website below .
Call me Marilyn or Montana Gardener.