Mrjolly's Profile

About me
We've (us and two 11 year-old Border Terriers - Jumble & Sid - that's Sid in the avatar) just moved into a double semi (was two houses but looking to convert to one). Strange that when the kids have gone you end up in a 6-bedroom!!
Large garden, mainly flat lawn with the only feature being an old pear tree right in the middle, which unfortunately ISN'T a Conference, the only pears I like!!
I'm hoping to keep a few chickens (probably three or so), and am looking for like-minded people to share ideas. Anyone out there already doing it? Some support and encouragement would be great. I'm looking at building a run approx 12ft square to keep them off the main garden, quite close to the greenhouse and about 20ft from the house.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Derbyshire