any idea's wellcome
By mrs_pickles
Hi everyone, I am trying to develope a piece of land behind our society cabine; it needs sprucing up, its letting the side down on our allotment so ideas wellcome. The soil is poor, clay like in areas and water logged in others. I’m trying to make it a place where people can come a sit in peace to read, eat you know what I mean. Anyway I’m a veg growing person, so I don’t know flowers that well; this is why I have wrote this blog so please help. thanks mrs pickles
5 Feb, 2009
Next post: Thanks everybody for your responce to my blog
I think that you will have to get people from the allotments to help you to improve the soil before you can start planting anything.
I'm sure you know how - but just for the record - dig the area over ASAP and let the frosts break it down. Then in the early spring, dig in lots of organic material, well-rotted manure and horticultural grit.
To choose plants, it will depend on your area, aspect and how much sun the area gets, as Gilli said. Also, do you want shrubs or plants?
5 Feb, 2009
Hi. Mrs. Pickles.
I wonder if your piece of land is currently under many inches of snow ? Sounds like you have good experience of growing veggies !
It does help, as Gilli says, to see a photo. Do you want plants which need very little attention ? i.e. basically those which look after themselves, or will there be some gardeners keen to keep the plot looking good ?
Welcome to GoY. Enjoy :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Mrs Pickles. Welcome to GoY. Do you have any pictures of the land? It would help to see what you have to work with. How much sun does it get. Is it north facing, south, etc.?? Clay soil can be a challenge too. Where in the UK are you?
5 Feb, 2009