Mucksbrass's Profile

About me
hi,all!! im a very enthusiastic newby and need some advice on my newly planted brassices!, i am growing this year on an area that used to have a small wild life pond surrounded by what we round here call elephants ears(big green leaves with pink flower spikes in early spring,) so i dug all the ground over, then added a small amount of compost and some fertiliser. i then covered the ground with some black weed cover(porous) next i planted the little buggers and becauce they were a bit leggy i applied a mulch around each one of bark chippings(untreated) they were, and still are, stood up quite proud under their "makeshift"polytunnel but,..the white and red cabbages have developed white veins and spots on the seccond leaves!! Have i infected them ??? and if so,what can i do??...Any advice would be wellcome
What else
Joined in Apr 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: yorkshire