There's a Storm Brewing
By mushybanna
I hear there’s a storm coming our way don’t forget to tie down your chairs ,tables plants and any thing else you don’t want to end up in the next county.And if your out and about might be an idea to wear a hard hat …LOL
27 Oct, 2013
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hehehehe love it .The clods are looking dark
is that northern for clouds lol...:o)))
27 Oct, 2013
:) type error but clods it can be for today yes hard hats .
But most of all be carefull.
27 Oct, 2013
My son in London usually cycles into work. I have advised him to take the tube. It is dark and wet here too Kath. It is wind I hate the most. I have just sent out a good luck message to our GoY friends in the south. Hope your garden is OK Mushy.
27 Oct, 2013
Not looking too good the weather forecasts, but hoping it is not as bad as they are warning us, keeping fingers crossed everyone is safe and well and not battered about too much by the strong winds. Keep Safe everyone. :O)
27 Oct, 2013
I will be battening down the hatches here in London later today.
Struggling to find enough sheltered space.
27 Oct, 2013
i have to remember to tire down my rabbits hutch because he will be inside....
27 Oct, 2013
Take good care everyone. We are away in Torquay - staying in one of Islamabad Kingdom Brunel's homes. The owners are fortifying the balcony area and preparing for the storm expected to hit hard tonight. It is meant to be pretty rough...nothing like last night's or the current strong winds outside now. Quite picturesque but not encouraging weather at all. We can see all across the sea waves the coast of Paignton and the waves are really lashing already :( The gardens here have twigs, leaves and all sorts blown everywhere and as for my gardens at home, I am sure things would be turned upside down as I haven't tied anything down. Hey Ho...I am sure that God will send His angels down there so I shan't worry too much. Stay safe everyone.
27 Oct, 2013
27 Oct, 2013
Its a lovely sunny day here on the Lincs/Rutland border 1.45pm, quite warm as well but the wind is getting stronger as the day goes on, a lack of birds in the garden so I guess they have already taken shelter, as you all know I'm not allowed out in it anyway, take care anyone who does have to venture out.....
27 Oct, 2013
Most of our bad weather here comes from the west, so whatever you get in the UK we nearly always get about 12 hours later. About an hour ago the wind got very strong and it rained very that maybe the start for us. Between the south coast of the UK and us there are no big hills or mountains to stop the just goes across France and Holland and then arrives here. When my parents were alive and lived in North Cornwall I used to phone them up and asked what the weather was like there....and mostly we got the same weather here about 12-24 hours later.
27 Oct, 2013
Thank-you Linda235 yeah we're bracing ourselves, I've put a few things away but there's not much you can do, just hope for the best. I've got a lot of 6 ft high fence just hope that survives ( no good worrying about it ) Roy.
27 Oct, 2013
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
I am not expecting to get much sleep tonight as I think a certain wind might try to keep me awake. Hope I have done enough to protect everything. My husband is away this weekend and his given me umpteen safety tips on the phone!!!
27 Oct, 2013
The council have suspended tomorrows refuse collection as very high winds are expected here.
27 Oct, 2013
Thanks all
hope you all get through ok,especailly the rabbits Jane don't want them dissappearing of to OZ now
It has been a lovely day here in South Norfolk so far but the wind is picking up.
We are on stand by as we have a 4x4 for the local emergancy squad if any one needs help,but hopefully all will be well .
Rogi With any luck it will have blown its self out by the time it gets to you
27 Oct, 2013
Our garden table cover had been blown off across the garden when we came home today , Its our grandsons birthday tomorrow he and his family are booked up to go riding on those Segway things in Thetford forest I'm not sure if they will allow it to go ahead for safety reason we will be going over for the birthday tea if its safe to cross the Acle straight ,we have been told by our daughter to use our common sense LOL .. yes daughter ! stand by with that 4 x 4 David :o)
27 Oct, 2013
Amy Segway riding in 80mph winds sounds like fun at least youll to the end quickly Lol.Should be okay this afternoon..
i think a chainsaw will be more use than the 4x4 today ..Lol
28 Oct, 2013
Never know wind and rain like it.......kept me awake most of the night...OH as usual, slept through until the morning....what storm? he said!!!
29 Oct, 2013
The Segway experience was cancelled David at over £120.. an hour prepaid for 4 of them it's lucky for them they can use the booking another day ... Tony would be happy to go out with his chainsaw providing they allowed him to keep the wood for our woodburner :o)
Angela your Peter sounds like my OH nothing is allowed to disturb a good sleep !!
29 Oct, 2013
Im glad they can use it another day...
a friend at work said he was going to hook up his trailer and go out with his chainsaw and offer to cut up the trees and take the wood away for a £10. Lol
31 Oct, 2013
Your friend has the right idea Sounds good to me ... Tony groans everytime he sees a fallen tree and he can't get at it with his chainsaw Lol ...
31 Oct, 2013
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Take care everyone not so bad with us but at 6am very heavy rain and clods are looking really dark.
27 Oct, 2013