Musroom's Profile

About me
Hi im smalla paulas mum and i thought id join this happy little band of gardeners. Ive been gardening a long time and although ive had a couple of certificates from the local council, I was rejected by the 'open gardens' ladies as they thought my garden had little or no interest really... their words not mine!! dispite having colour that smacks you in the face, a fairy garden teddy bears picnic area and classical area they were not impressed. BUT I love my garden as do my family and it gives me pleasure all through the year not only with plants but all the creatures that visit us, inlcuding our own fox and squirrel. I try to help if I can if i cant then so be it!! we all learn from each other and we all have different tastes lets all muck into together and have gardening fun! xxx
What else
Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: essex