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Major "Aweeee moment"!


Somewhere in all of my flower-beds, a new Bunny was borne and I finally got a shot of the little guy!

This little guy has been spotted on my patio and he will let me get as close as 3 feet before he runs off..
He loves to watch me water the backyard and will often dig a little in the gardens and flop in the cool soil to escape the heat.
Head to tail, he’s only about 5 inches and is the smallest cotten-tail “newbie” that we have seen in the yard this summer.

How cool! N2O

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how cute is he, looks quite cheeky too ..:o))

15 Jul, 2011


Do your cats watch him through the windows? He's a lovely little creature . . . . .

15 Jul, 2011


Of course Shirley T, The cats absolutely have a conniption when they can see the little bunny on the back porch or near the bay window. It is a riot to watch the cats when the bunny is close to the house!

20 Jul, 2011


Sounds like Megan when she's in the house and the birds are out on the lawn! : o )

20 Jul, 2011

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