N2organics's Profile

About me
I just LOVE plants of any kind and thoroughly enjoy experimenting with organic growing techniques.
I love plants and gardening chemical free! It is amazing how much better this technique produces healthier plants and landscaping!
Ever since I planted my first hydrangea in the soil and watched it grow, I became hooked on plants, gardening and landscaping.
We had a new home built 3 years ago and I was forced to get off the computer, get my hands in the dirt and landscape the new place. Sodding the yard was a pain and I planted just enough to satisfy the neighborhood society.
Yes, in the beginning, I was a "Scotts junkie" and it's a miracle that any of my early plantings actually survived! {chuckle} Last year I found a wonderful organic gardening show on the radio by sheer accident and started listening every Sunday to learn how to grow better plants.
This second year of landscaping pure organically at the new house has been spectacular! Last year, I lost about 20% of what I planted and this year, on a pure organic program, I have only lost one plant out of hundreds!
It's quite amazing to study and research plants, give them the optimum growing environment, and see what happens.
Who would have ever thought that an ex-computer junkie would use technology to grow plants?
I must still have a "little child" in me after all of these years, because I STILL love to "play in the dirt"! Plants have become my passion and I just love to see them grow and thrive regardless of the size. Some of my most enjoyable plants are some of the smallest..
I'm just totally in love with how "mother nature" works and how plants survive and live on..