OMG, I hit the motherload!
By n2organics
This site is a “MUST SEE”! This is what I have been looking for..
What a mother-load of information and plant identification resources!
Whew! I have a LOT of reading to do! So many plants and so little time..
Gotta love it.. :-)
7 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Saving water the organic way!
Next post: A sad day....
Plants have no idea where they are growing and respond well to an organic program regardless of their location. :-)
The basic theory of good soil biological activity and balance applies to ANY part of the world! When the soil is good, plants of ANY kind will thrive..
My theory is to treat the soil and the soil will then treat the plant and take care of any problems..
Food for thought. ;-)
8 Oct, 2009
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be careful though it is an american site [ oh you are alright then] so some advice may not be right for us in uk. and some plants you may not be able to get. but it looks good. something else to take me away from the housework :o)
thanks for the link
7 Oct, 2009