How to prune trees properly
By n2organics
Fall is always the best time to plant, move, and prune trees because when the fall colors show, the trees are going into hibernation mode to survive the winter cold and biological activity is at a low point. I never knew that there was a correct way to prune that does not harm a tree!
Here is a great video from Howard Garret, my organic guru, on how to prune the right way: Howard’s pruning video
A MUST see for healthier trees and woody shrubs! :-)
Here’s a video of Howard’s backyard that is totally out of this world and was done totally organically! Enjoy!
2 Nov, 2009
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Thanks for that N2 have quite a bit of tree pruning to do when their dormant, so found the first video helpful. He has an amazing colour lawn in all that shade.
2 Nov, 2009
You are exactly right, Moon grower!
Before doing ANY pruning it is always a good idea to research the plant in question and ONLY prune it when it is at the lowest level of biological activity in its' yearly life cycle! Nice observation..
5 Nov, 2009
N2 -sory,i no agre- sumtim it best to prun when surge growth hapen to devlep shape, or boost output. ]#there is no one defintive anser to pruning, becos the outcom determin the prun need, not othre way round. afte rall, nature never do prun. we do, so it our intent that governs, not hte plnt.
8 Nov, 2009
I agree with Derekf.. I never prune any of my landscaping or plants unless it is absolutely necessary to do so. Nature doesn't prune, so why should I?
14 Nov, 2009
precisly N2 -put hte plnt in hte corect postion in hte fist placce
14 Nov, 2009
I could not agree more, Derekf,
I see plants that I have growing around town, such as Abealias(sp?), Forsythias, Privets, and Butterfly Bushes that have been pruned into geometric shapes. Sure, that might look fine for landscaping, but the plants that I see are generally in a high state of distress and the foliage reflects that with predator insect problems, fungal infections, and other "stress related conditions"..
I just let "mother nature" rip in my gardens and never try to artificially "shape"
any plant. The plants are all much healthier, more vibrant, and tend to tolerate the cold FAR better! ;-)
18 Nov, 2009
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n2o not all trees should be pruned in autumn!
2 Nov, 2009