what is this??
By nelke
Who can help me to find out: WHO is this??? It is growing between mayflowers (Lily of the Valley), is about 35 cm high, just 2 stems, but with a distance of 40 cm, wearing those little 5-patterned flowers. the length of a single blossom is about 3 mm. I thought it to be a primula or a kind of scrophulariacea, but didn´t find it.Here it is:
28 Jul, 2010
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is it an asphodel?
28 Jul, 2010
Could it be nicotinia tabacum
29 Jul, 2010
Thanks for Your answers. It is not a lily /asphodel and not a Nicotinia.
30 Jul, 2010
I would post this as a question Nelke as there are a lot of very knowledgable members who may know what it is. I'm sorry we were unable to find the name for you. It is a delightful flower.
30 Jul, 2010
First I want to thank You again. In the questions I´ve got some answers. It is Lysimachia clethroides, snowy-gooseneck or sth. like that. An invasive, but beautiful cultivar. I´ll take care of it.
30 Jul, 2010
In UK we also call it Chinese Loosestrife. I am pleased you and we now know what it is. I am surprised it looks too solid and straight to be that as I would have expected the flowering stem to be drooping rather than rigid. It is very pretty.
30 Jul, 2010
yes I too am surprised as mine has a 'gooseneck twist to the flower. Glad you were able to id it Nelke.
30 Jul, 2010
now, all the pics in Google are with a gooseneck. - my flower is young, I guess that´s why. I´ll be after it and let You know.
31 Jul, 2010
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sorry cant help you but its a lovely flower, you might have been better to post this in questions nelke, members go there to answer and you might have more chance on finding out
28 Jul, 2010