By nellie61
Hi im new to this gardening and blogging . i live on the coast and believe not all plants are suitable, can anyone suggest plants that would be okay.
4 Sep, 2015
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Hi Nellie, welcome to Goy. You can find a lot of info on google - more than there is room for here - on google if you put in Seaside Plants.
Hydrangeas always seem to do well, & Berberis thunbergii. Another smaller shrub that flowers very early is Coronilla. . Clematis montana is tough but will need a windproof support. Agapanthus can do well. Dianthus (pinks), especially the low growing "old fashioned" ones. Try the Bloody Cranesbill too, Geranium sanguinium which you can get in shades of pink of there is a pure white one too which seems shyer to flower than the pink ones.
The following all grow wild on the exposed Pembrokshire coast and would be worth trying: Armeria (thrift) , sea campion. cowslips and bluebells.
The Burnet rose grows on exposed cliffs here so I'd guess that ground cover roses would be OK.
And in summer you've got a wide choice of annuals to fill in the gaps.
PS perhaps this should have gone on the Questions section rather than blogs - lots of the experts don't always read the blogs.
5 Sep, 2015
Hi Nellie, welcome to Goy, if you put Coastal Gardening into your searchbar you'll find lots of info and also questions asked and answered over the years which would probably give you a start..
5 Sep, 2015
Hebes do well at the coast Nellie. Welcome to GoY.
8 Sep, 2015
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- My Coastal Garden
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22 Oct, 2008
Hi Nellie....Welcome to GOY.
You'll get lots of advice here. And you can read blogs and look at pictures to get ideas .
There are lots of plants that will tolerate coastal conditions but what sort of plants are you thinking of?
Trees,shrubs, bedding, perennials, plants for pots?
4 Sep, 2015