Ollie's Profile

About me
I live in Kent with 2 Rottweilers, (we used to breed them) a Schipperke [an International Champion], my mother's rescued Cavalier and 2 cats. Other than my passionate interest in all things "dog" (I am also a judge), is my interest in gardening.
We have an acre of land that I have spent the last 15 years cultivating into part garden/part wildlife haven. It has a mixture of ornamental and native trees, and some shrubs. I am starting a small area of English bluebells, under some trees. We have hanging bird feeders and some nesting boxes. We have a Roundhouse for wrens and it was used last year. Great stuff.
My husband has just built two raised beds in his veggie plot, and he is extremely chuffed. We also have a herb garden there and bee tubes for solitary bees to nest in - and BOY are they out in force this year!
After we dismantled our kennels, we opened out the garden and built a new terrace, and I am presently building up a border of shrubs and perennials which should graduate in colours of pinks, dark reds, into bronze and orange. If it works - should look good! We have a small pond (no fish) and an adjacent bog garden.
My little Eden.