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Week 4


Sorry haven’t been here for a while- helps if you can actually get access to your own PC!
Well friend’s son decided digging was too much like hard work after about 3.5 hours done in two sessions! Most of turf removed, so some progress. Husband decided to burn hedge prunings without sucess, as wood too green in my opinion, but who am I to say. This weekend husband manged a bitof ground clearing so first seeds ahve gone in as follwos
Broad bean 2 × 12′ row Green windsor companion planted with summer savory. Plan to sow two more rows of beans and peas each month until July
Pea Little Marvel 2 × 12 ’ row companion planted with cornflower
3 Jerusalem artichokes ( 2 more to be planted when space cleared)
11 shallots Longor – should have bought more.
2’ red spring(salad) onions- Apache, 3 ’ radish french breakfast, lettuce lollo rosa and green lettuce (forgotten variety)
Potatoes – three varieties, are all chitting slowly indoors ready for planting on Good Friday -supposed to be the best day for planting them acording to my grandfather and several other Irish friends.
Hope to get more down this next weekend

More blog posts by patchwork_mouse

Previous post: Getting started 2009 - week 1



Sounds like it is coming along PM. Well done.

18 Mar, 2009


You're going to have lots of nice vegetables this year :o)

18 Mar, 2009


Thanks for your encouragement

18 Mar, 2009

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