AGS Show-Wisley,12.5.18
By pcw
A few favourites from the show
Anemonella thalictroides ‘Oscar Schoaf’
Campanula andrewsii
Globularia meridonalis
Iris iberica
Iris reichenbachii
Oxytropis lambertii
Primula henrici
Ranunculus alpestris
13 May, 2018
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Sheila-the Iris belongs to a member of our group.It's just one plant.
The other Iris is superb and was in the novice section.Someone who's grown for a while but not shown.
I'm not sure about the Primula,but if mine gets to that size,I'll be happy.
The Campanula is huge.
I forgot to put the memory card in the camera,so there was plenty of top plants that got left out,includig lots of nice Lewisias.
13 May, 2018
That Campanula should be 'Andrewr' methinks.
13 May, 2018
Great. Photos some really nice ones there thank you for sharing.
13 May, 2018
Thank you Pcw. It is good to know that the iris is one plant. It is hard to tell from most photos. I planted a few seeds of iris from the Seedex this year. The Iris iberica seems to be growing in a 9cm seed pot. It has a wonderful display of flowers. I am not too keen on the colour but I am inspired to discover how to grow my plants to that standard. I thought I was the only one who forgets to put the SD card back in the camera. I have only just found out how to get access to the photos I took which went in to the camera memory. Some date back to 2010.
13 May, 2018
All very nice did you show any plants ? . should think the owner must have had the Anemonella in the fridge .mine were in flower two months ago
14 May, 2018
No,I didnt show,Brian.I wanted to take a few,just to take part,but the conditions set for staging and removing the plants,meant that I would probably had to be there till about 7 pm.
Although the quality was excellent,numbers were low,so probably a few more put off by it.
Also,only 3 nurseries there.Aberconwy,Tim Ingram and Parham Bungalow.
15 May, 2018
Do you have any more shows you can exhibit at this year.
Have you any germination from the Daphne seed, I have 2 up in the last couple of weeks.
15 May, 2018
No,Dorset this week,too far to leave Saturday morning.
Iwould like to go to the Summer show at Pershore,begining of July,as I've not been to a Summer one.
Kent Autumn is not on this year as the school is being refurbished.
I've got 4 Daphnes.Very happy with that.1 poked through this morning so may be more.
Also good germination from all the Edraianthus,2 Aquilegias and the Allium.
15 May, 2018
sounds promising
16 May, 2018
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Great photos Pcw. That Iris reichenbachii is stunning. Will there be several plants in the pot or is it just a mature specimen. Is that P. henrici doing the rounds? Was it a winner in another AGS show recently? It has funny little leaves for a primula. The Iris would be my personal favourite but the Campanula andrewsii would be a very close second. Thank you for sharing.
13 May, 2018