Petal50's Profile

About me
My husband and I are gamekeepers on a very pretty private country house estate so our interest is on wildlife as well as growing our own veg and I like to keep my flower garden(hubby says if you can't eat it, it isn't worth growing but he has sercomed to how nice it is to have some colour in the garden) simple and colourful, which isn't easy in this Scottish climate.
It is a very higglety pigglety garden, nothing is very structured, and the weeds do tend to get the better of me i'm afraid. My on going love is for clematis,passion flowers and most of all Roses which came from my grandfathers love of growing them. I am by no means an expert in any greenfingered topic but i try... continually learning.
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Joined in Sep 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Fife