Gardening Radio Shows
By peter
Well, it turns out my dad is right, I do have a face for radio :D
Yesterday I was interviewed by BBC Radio Sheffield in the morning and BBC Radio Northampton in the afternoon. Fortunately they were all about Grows on You, not my gardening expertise (or lack of).
For those that heard about us on the radio Sheffield or Northampton, a very warm welcome and I hope you enjoy the site! We love to hear what our members think about us so please get in touch any time.
One of the things we spoke about was how great the community is – we’re very lucky to have such a great bunch! Ajay and I would like to thank all our members for making this such a great website, we’re really looking forward to the new year and to making GoY even better! – Once Ajay’s new daughter lets him get some sleep :o).
We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and new year! Thanks again for making GoY such a great, friendly place!!
24 Dec, 2007
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Did they contact you or was it vice-versa? Can we look forward to hearing you on Radio West soon?
27 Dec, 2007
Hi Spritz & David, I hope you both had a good Christmas - 16 guests David!! Your house must have been hectic. My parents had 6 this year - the most ever was 13.
We got in touch with the radio shows and have got a few more to come in the new year. I won't be on Radio West just yet but we're trying :o)
29 Dec, 2007
Hi peter hope you had a lovely christmas - how about the bbc - i would have thought bbc radio 2 would be interested - i might sound like an old foggie by saying this but i bet it is the most listened to station in garden centres! i know we always used to have it on in the garden centre i worked in many moons ago out back in the green houses whilst pricking out the summer bedding what a boring job that is! but then i was only 15 at the time i did switch it over to Kiss FM at given opportunity! lol
29 Dec, 2007
We listen mostly to BBC Radio 2 all day in the operating theatres where I work (but it doesn't distract us from "saving lives", LOL!). It would be a great source of publicity! You MUST let us know in advance, if you can, Peter, about up -and -coming broadcasts.Also, despite the number of guests, the kids and I did manage to escape to a room to watch our most fab, awaited-for programme - the Dr Who xmas special - in real broadcast time! And when we emerged, the dining room had been cleared and tidied, as if by magic!
29 Dec, 2007
I hope you had a great Christmas too, Majeekahead.
Well, it looks like Radio 2 is the gardener's choice :o) I'll keep you updated of future broadcasts, although the ones coming up are local radio. I think I'd be even more nervous going on national radio!
30 Dec, 2007
This reminds me of a time, 20 yrs ago, when I was interviewed live on BBC Radio Scotland on a local history topic. I was in a little box room in the Edinburgh studios and the presenter was actually miles away in Glasgow! When I got off the train at home, I learned that our whole town had been tuned in, even the shops had had their doors wide open and radios blaring. That was the point where my nerves got the better of me and I was SO embarrassed. Great fun, though.
30 Dec, 2007
we had a lovely christmas thanks peter, and yes please do let us know in advance of any broadcasts, i bet you will do fine! and we also enjoyed Doctor who on christmas day, but unfortunately no faries to clear the table ect... was left to me as usual! maybe i should have a word with Ron for next year and see if he can lend me some of his lol!
30 Dec, 2007
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1 Mar, 2008
Many congrats on a brilliant piece of PR work for the site!
And, shame on your own father to say such a thing! I do hope that you have a reply to that one!
25 Dec, 2007