Gardeners World Plant List 11th September 2009
By peter
Hi folks,
Nother delayed one I’m afraid, but here’s the (rather short) plant list for last Friday’s Gardener’s World.
Toby started by looking at a few plants that are coming into seed:
Luzula nivea (snowy woodrush)
Carex ‘Amazon mist’
Uncinia rubra (Redhook sedge)
Rhodocoma gigantea
Bouteloua gracilis (Mosquito grass)
Carol’s flower of the week was the Japanese anemone:
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’
Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Pamina’
At Greenacre Toby and Joe were planting up a contemporary woodland and using bamboos.
Phyllostachys aurea (Golden bamboo)
Phyllostachys bissettii – one of the best for screens and hedges
That was all, but the next one is ready too :o)
Happy gardening.
2 Oct, 2009
More blog posts by peter
Previous post: Gardeners World Plant List 4th September 2009
Next post: Gardeners World Plant List 18th September 2009
I have that Bouteloua, it's got lovely 'flowers' :-)
3 Oct, 2009
You're welcome again, Mad. I bet Carol gets to pick what she talks about - either that or she just loves everything :o)
Your photo of the grass shows it off well, Louise :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks Peter :-)
6 Oct, 2009
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Thanks again. Carol didn't have a bad word to say about Japanese Anemones, did she?
2 Oct, 2009