Lupin 'Gallery Wellow'
By Ian_digs_v2

24 Jul, 2009
I like this.
Comments on this photo
Is it a Lupin then Lily? people have been telling me they only flower in spring ?
I think its supposed to be a 'Yellow' not 'Wellow' Ooops
25 Jul, 2009
Yep looks like a lupin to me. I'll bow to the superior knowlege of others about flowering time. I only grew them once years ago and they got eaten by GIANT aphids, so watch out!
25 Jul, 2009
Ooooerrrrrr sounds scary? :~))
25 Jul, 2009
It's a lupin, like my Gallery 'red' one that was more pink than red when it flowered! Mine has been flowering through July too, but got beaten about in this weather and so no blooms now. Gallery is a medium sized plant. I'm told by other GoYer's that slugs/snails also like them!
25 Jul, 2009
They better not come near MY Lupin Potty, I shall stand over it every night with me 12 bore Grrrrrrrrrr :~))
25 Jul, 2009
yes definately a lupin........ mine have just finished flowering........
26 Jul, 2009
Thanks Holly. Don't I ask some daft questions?......Or is that a daft question?
26 Jul, 2009
No you don't. You just need a bit more education...
OK. Here goes! When the flower dies, cut off the flower stalk and you should get another flower! When that one dies, cut a bit further down...and you might even get another! :-) Fun, isn't it!
27 Jul, 2009
Brill. :-)) Thanks Barbara.
27 Jul, 2009
You're welcome! I sent you a PM.....
27 Jul, 2009
27 Jul, 2009
Ooooh....all is well! :-)
I like the name of this Lupin...much nicer than 'Yellow'...Don't edit it, will you!
27 Jul, 2009
No I won't. I think more people should leave their mistakes in, its good for a laugh.
Funnily enough, Wellow is a small village about 5 - 6 miles from here and no I don't have any conection with it, it was a totally random error
27 Jul, 2009
I didn't even realise it WAS a mistake!
I made a mistake in your username blog yesterday Ian. In the word 'amusing' I typed 'n' instead of 'm' ! Although I knew you would find it funny, I thoguht it best to amend.....oops there's another one but I'll leave it. I make loads of them on this laptop, not so many on the big grown-up computer.
28 Jul, 2009
I'm glad other people make 'typos'...I do try to correct mine, but the occasional one slips through...and yes, more on the lap-top.
28 Jul, 2009
I often make so many 'typos' that I have to stop and start all over again, the 'delete' buttom on my keyboard is totally worn out. (the arrow has all but diserpeared) I'll leave that one in for you :-)))
28 Jul, 2009
28 Jul, 2009
Lovely colour nice one, don' t worry about typos I make them all the time and I am a qualified touch typist that use to be my job use to work for an engineering company also another company too perhaps you have heard of it City Electrical Factors which is still going after all these years .
31 Jul, 2009
I learnt touch typing too but that was on a manual typewriter where you really had to thump the keys down hard so mostly you only got what you intended. With computers, especially laptops, the keys are so close and sensitive it's very easy to type gibberish! I've reverted to three fingers on each hand.
1 Aug, 2009
Carol says I've got the fastest two fingers in the west. :~))
1 Aug, 2009
Ah yes Ian but, as you've told me before, it's what you do with them that counts!
1 Aug, 2009
lol Lily thats what I learnt on he he, I find you can type faster on a pc key board as your not using strenth so much, at first I did find them sensitive but you get use to it after a while.
1 Aug, 2009
lol Lily about answering Ian ha ha ha ha
1 Aug, 2009
I ... Meant .... for ...... typing Lol. :~))
1 Aug, 2009
lol Its not the mouth that spoke it , its the mind that thinks it lol lol lol
1 Aug, 2009
Ian's mind? I don't think we want to go THERE...........:~)
1 Aug, 2009
no, I can definitely recommend taking an alternative route LOL
1 Aug, 2009
1 Aug, 2009
Ian, go into my photos and click on the last one then let us know if Morgana's business suggestion appeals to you as a customer :~))))) or :~(((((
1 Aug, 2009
lol Lilly2 ha ha ha ha L M A O
1 Aug, 2009
Have I mised something here Morgana? What's this L M A O?
1 Aug, 2009
Laugh My As* Off :~))
1 Aug, 2009
Oops just did it again, forgot that old submit button. Now what was I saying....on yes, I've led a sheltered life so am not up with text lingo but am learning on here. Have my daughters cast off mobile in the car but never use it. It gets charged up now and then ' just in case' but I don't even know the number of it.
1 Aug, 2009
Most people dont know the number as seldom does any one phone their selves lol :) I was the same I now just go with the flow of technicle inventions, complicated at first but you get use to it and it becomes easier over time.
1 Aug, 2009
I know my mobile number, from phoning myself from the land line to find it or ask whoever answers where I left it. :~((
1 Aug, 2009
You will have to get a chain for it Ian and clip it to your trousers then you wont lose it .
1 Aug, 2009
More likely I'll lose my trousers and get arrested.........
1 Aug, 2009
Or have to answer to your wife if you lose your trousers lol
1 Aug, 2009
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So do I. :~))
25 Jul, 2009