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Flowers in the top border.

Flowers in the top border.

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I know this is a daft question, again, but I'm a daft veggie gardener and if you don't ask you don't get to know.
How deep would you make a border?

25 Jul, 2009


About a spit Ian.

26 Jul, 2009


That's if you remember Bob Carolgees, Ian.

26 Jul, 2009


Perhaps I should have said "how WIDE" ? From front to back:~))

26 Jul, 2009


Sorry, but the answer has to much lawn or space can you spare, to keep the rest of the garden in proportion.

You need to consider that if it's backed up against a fence or wall, you can 'clothe' the vertical part with climbers. Then plants need to be chosen to vary the heights from small in the front to tall at the back, with some interesting 'spot' plants to vary this, too.

So a 6' depth - or even more - would look wonderful, if you could make it as deep as that. If you haven't got enough space for that, then you'd have to scale things down with regard to the heights of the plants. Does all that make sense?

26 Jul, 2009


Oh yes, thank you Barbara. My front lawn is about 15' from the front of the house to the boundry wall and about 30' across but its the only place Holly has to play outdoors and I think 6' is just a bit to much :~((
I have got my eye on another piece, on the other side of the garden path, for my next bed :~)) This is about 2' deep but has no wall or fencing, yet, HeHeHe

26 Jul, 2009


Right! Now we have an answer to how much space there is. You'll have to have a think about what colours you'd like, then we can come up with ideas for this in the sun or in shade?

Anyway, why can't Holly play in a flower bed? lol.

26 Jul, 2009


Sorry for not answering straight away I had to nip out to help a friend and it took longer than I thought.
Firstly this is south facing and gets the sun up until about 3 - 4pm and is a very sandy free draining soil.
As for colours, here we have a problem...... Carol likes white, yellow, pink and light/pale blue where as I prefer purples, rich/dark blue, deep reds etc.
I think we may end up with a bed that changes from one end to the other rather like a rainbow Lol.
As for Holly, I'm sure she would love to play in a flower bed but would you like to do her washing afterwards? Lol :-))
I've had a rethink and we could possibly have one bed with Carols light colours and the other with my dark gloomy ones !..... What do you think ?

26 Jul, 2009


Yes! Lovely. A great contrast. Would they be facing each other?

Don't say that your choice of colours are gloomy! They are glowing ones...:-) Think of stained glass windows...

27 Jul, 2009


Yes B. they would be on opposite ends of the garden, about thirty feet apart.
The existing bed is going to be 'deepened and the new bed is limited by the path to aprox. 2 ft.

27 Jul, 2009


I sent you a PM :-))

27 Jul, 2009

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