Nearby Fire
By Greenthumb

30 Jul, 2009
While I was roaming the garden, a wildfire was building 30 miles from town. Burned 25,000 acres so far. We've had some real bad smoke clouds and ash.
Comments on this photo
excellent pic
30 Jul, 2009
It was scary. I thought old Mt Redoubt had gone off taking Anchorage with it! :-) It is close but on the other side of a large river. All our fires are let to burn wild, we just protect structures if needed.
I did think it was a special photo opportunity Falco. :-) Thanks.
31 Jul, 2009
And here's us moaning about the rain!
2 Aug, 2009
I don't enjoy long rainy days myself. But a haze of smoke we've been swimming in for two weeks now is just horrible. We don't stop wildfires, we just protect structures, so they just burn and burn. Been dumping ash on the plants and spotting up my photos.
2 Aug, 2009
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That has to be a little scary...
30 Jul, 2009