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a variegated sport

a variegated sport (Physostegia virginiana (Obedient plant))

found this amongst a large clump of normal pink ones. The varigation is pretty and this is the second year. it makes a rabbit grave

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'It makes a rabbit grave' ?????
There is a variegated one, not sure how it compares.

4 Aug, 2009


sorry that should have said marks a rabbit's grave. by putting perennials over the pet graves avoids the distress to the children if i were to inadvertly dig it up.
It doesnt look like the variegated form that i have seen in the garden centres though.

4 Aug, 2009


Ah, that makes sense, now, good idea.

10 Aug, 2009

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This photo is of "Physostegia virginiana" in Seaburngirl's garden

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