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Itea ilicifolia - 2009


By Andrewr

Itea ilicifolia - 2009 (Itea ilicifolia)

Although my plant is flowering, it is not making much growth and some of the leaves are turning yellow. I think the position is too dry for it so will have to find it a new home for next year

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I like this plant.

1 Aug, 2009



2 Aug, 2009


Unusual Plant shame it has to be moved.

3 Aug, 2009


Worth a try, it's a nice plant when it's happy,great foliage.

6 Aug, 2009


I do believe that it likes acid soil - I fancied one of these, and checked it out.

8 Aug, 2009


Preferred common name: holly-leaved sweet spire

Itea can be evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs with alternate leaves and many-flowered racemes or panicles of small white, cream or green-white flowers.

I. ilicifolia is a medium-sized evergreen shrub with glossy, holly-like, broadly oval leaves to 10cm in length. Flowers honey-scented, small, whitish-green, in drooping racemes to 30cm in length.

Grow in well-drained soil in a sheltered position in full sun.

Pruning group 9 .

© The Harry Smith Collection 1993 The Harry Smith Collection

Generally pest free.

Generally disease free.

Acid, Alkaline or Neutral.
Moist but well-drained or well-drained.
Chalk, Clay, Loam or Sand.

West or South facing.

Propagate by seed or semi-hardwood cuttings.

Flowers: Green and White in Summer and Autumn.

Foliage: Dark Green.

Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen.

Fragrance: Flower.

Suggested Plant Uses: Wall-side Borders.

this is some info from the RHS

13 Aug, 2009


Thanks Grindle. It's planted in a sunny spot facing west against a wall. But it's a spot where nothing I have put in ever seems very happy so I'm going to move the itea in the autumn and put a large pot over the site and grow lemon verbena in the pot so it can be brought indoors during winter

13 Aug, 2009


I got mine this year and have it growing where it's shaded for most of the day, but does get late afternoon sun, and it seems to be liking it

13 Aug, 2009


That's good to know because where I planned to move it to, it will get the sun in late afternoon too

13 Aug, 2009


Thanks, Grindle! I might be able to find a space for one...I do like them. :-)

13 Aug, 2009


good luck Andrew, hope it likes it's new home :)

Spritz, I saw my first one at an open garden, and knew I just had to find room for one :))

14 Aug, 2009

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