I Love My Nana's !
By Junglejen

1 Aug, 2009
Musa Sikkimensis
Comments on this photo
Thanks Suey....It almost draws you in doesn't it!
Jen x
2 Aug, 2009
What a beauty !!
2 Aug, 2009
Thanks Shapla, me and my Nana's thank you! 8-))
3 Aug, 2009
You could almost dive in there!
10 Aug, 2009
I think they're hypnotic, i love staring into them............ooooooooooooh is that weird???
10 Aug, 2009
Yes, but I know what you mean.
And I dont even like the colour green!
10 Aug, 2009
Natural greens are cool! ;-)))
11 Aug, 2009
Well observed photo and very hypnotic indeed!
11 Aug, 2009
Look into my eyes.......ZZZzzzzzzz
Woops sorry Indy got tranced out! Glad you like the shot.
11 Aug, 2009
Great shot.
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks Meanie, and the Nana's keep getting better, must sop taking so many pics of them though...the neighbours are beginning to give me funny looks!
29 Aug, 2009
I'm well used to that!
29 Aug, 2009
Wonder why M? 8-)))
29 Aug, 2009
Really JJ?, from what I can see of the neighbouring gardens, theyre probably wondering how she manages to have such a wonderous plot and think she really IS a witch, casting spells outside!
29 Aug, 2009
What gardens?? Theyre all just squares of grass!
They DO think I'm a witch!!
29 Aug, 2009
Makes two of us then M, I suppose me lighting candles and burning incense while meditating on the moon doesn't help matters either! 8-)
29 Aug, 2009
Exactly! They seem a bit spooked! I was asked about my herb bed yesterday & I said it was going to be a wheel of becoming, & the woman who'd asked didnt wait for me to explain, she hurried away!
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the compliment on my garden Indy!
29 Aug, 2009
It's that glazed look that tells you there is no point in trying to explain any further.....they only want to hear what they already know.
It's taken long enough for them to accept that they have a mini jungle next door, I'll take it easy on them with the crystals etc and stick to the banana gazing for now. x
29 Aug, 2009
If anyone asks again ladies, try saying "but grass is so boring, I grow flowers because I just love watching such pretty things die and decay right before my eyes,My MY I've just noticed how pretty/handsome YOU are!" See how fast they run then!!!
30 Aug, 2009
LMSO !!! It seems we have an expert nutter in our midst....love it! I know just the person to try that one on...will let you know. 8-)
30 Aug, 2009
I like that one!
Tell them its a lesson in the impermanence of all things!!
No need to take it easy on them, Jen!
Its your garden, your sanctuary & your life!
As long as you're not harming them, then go for it!!!
30 Aug, 2009
The only way I harm them is by bruising their ego's i think...but that's their problem really.
I,ve had a fair bit of ridicule ( a jungle in a little terraced house ha ha), but that's stopped since I opened for the NGS and the papers got interested, now they have to pay to come and see it!
So now it's like they almost expect me to do funny things with the garden...that's how I started expanding the garden.
They'd laugh and say "A-HA you've run out of room, where you gonna plant now then, the car port?". I thought What a good idea.....
So, I did and it looks fantastic.
Then it was " I suppose she'll start on the roof next ha ha",
So i now grow blue grasses up there and..... it looks fantastic too!
Strangely enough, now the comments are , wow, wonderful, amazing etc, so I just smile to myself and take their entrance fee and pop it in the NGS box.
30 Aug, 2009
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet revenge, innit!
30 Aug, 2009
A certain satisfaction in the change of tune I do admit, but the money's piling up in the charity box so it makes me feel nice inside. I leave them to their rows of marigolds and privet hedges!
30 Aug, 2009
Good for you, Jen! Wait till they see the "Cobra" path I want to put in mine!!!
30 Aug, 2009
Excuse my ignorance, but what's NGS????
30 Aug, 2009
National Gardens Scheme www.ngs.org.uk, search for Jen's Gardyn and you'll find me!
Our stream is representative of the Green Water Dragon so don't feel alone with your Cobra, great Idea!
30 Aug, 2009
I want it to represent the Cobra that protected the Buddha from the weather while he meditated & attained enlightenment!
Try explaining THAT one to the neighbours!!!
I like your Green Water Dragon!!
30 Aug, 2009
Tell them it's to protect you from nosey neighbours!
30 Aug, 2009
LMSO!!! Good one!!
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Our spiral veg plot represents a dragon coming out of the water in the middle!
30 Aug, 2009
Cool! I like that!
30 Aug, 2009
I feel we're on the same page somehow x
30 Aug, 2009
Uncanny, isnt it?
30 Aug, 2009
Common ground I think, different paths same destination.
30 Aug, 2009
Exactly what I always say!
30 Aug, 2009
There's more of us than at first appears to the naked eye, we live miles apart but we are peppering the country with the symbols and energy of the past keeping alive traditional values that today are being lost by peoples hectic uncaring lifestyles (much of which is forced on them by govt.) Stick to it, the spheres of energy we create are helping to keep the planet "sane"!
31 Aug, 2009
Sane???? What's that?
No, I DO agree with you!
31 Aug, 2009
Perfectly put Indy, when people visit my garden they're struck by the energy, but they don't know why.
The few who do ask me about it, are amazed at how it effects them and don't want to leave.
Hopefully they'll go home and try it for themselves.
Who knows, I hope so.
It's so good to have your company on this often solitary track you two. Thanks for the moral support!
Namaste x.
31 Aug, 2009
You're welcome! Its good for me to have the company of two like-minded (or equally nuts) people too!!
I've started my own website today!!
31 Aug, 2009
Equally nuts sounds about right! 8~)))
Website...Oh that's cool M, I wish you good luck with it. Will you let us have a peep?
P.S. Forgot to say...check the bottom of the page Gardens to visit, you'll find Jen's Gardyn there too x
1 Sep, 2009
I'll have a look!
Theres a direct link on my GoY profile page, just click on "my website"
1 Sep, 2009
We don't want them ALL getting like us M. where would the fun be then, no one to say "look youve ruined the environment with your decadent lifestyles its ALL your fault and NO you CANNOT have some of my homegrown veggies, go buy some GM crops from the supermarket", to!
3 Sep, 2009
But you wouldn't say that, would you, because that would be unskillful!!
3 Sep, 2009
I have those moments too!
3 Sep, 2009
Dont we all!
I do too! A lot more than I'd like!!
3 Sep, 2009
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