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Busy at Work!

Busy at Work!

A Digger Bumble-bee (Bombus terrestris) busy at work on a Hibiscus flower.

Very common all over Europe. Workers die in Autumn, males, old & young females go into hiding and hibernate. After hibernating female lays foundations of nest in mouse-holes etc., up to 1.5m underground. Lines the nest with leaves moss etc. that it finds in the hole then builds waxy chambers and fills them with pollen and nectar. Larvae also receive additional food. Up to 150 workers and over 100 young females hatch in 20 days.

Comments on this photo


What a fantastic Photo....and thankyou for all that information.......

3 Aug, 2009


Thanks Milky and you're welcome!

3 Aug, 2009


Great shot!

6 Aug, 2009


Thanks Tasteyg.

6 Aug, 2009


It'll need a shower when it gets home - what a messy worker! lol.

8 Aug, 2009



8 Aug, 2009


wow, that is a fantastic photo, love it.

10 Aug, 2009



11 Aug, 2009


great photo and very informative:-)

7 Oct, 2009


Thanks Bornagain.

7 Oct, 2009

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