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Buddhist Prayer Flags, Highland Wildlife Park, Inverness-shire, Scotland.


By David

Buddhist Prayer Flags, Highland Wildlife Park, Inverness-shire, Scotland.

Posted for Madperth, by request.

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This wooden walkway, with bamboo railing, leads visitors to the enclosure of the Red Panda, an animal indigenous to the Himalayan region. The surrounding planting fitted in very well, and included rhododendron, Himalayan poppies and Tibetan cherry.

5 Aug, 2009


I love that!! Tibetan Cherry?? Tell me more!

5 Aug, 2009


Prunus serrula var. tibetica.

I've seen this in various places in Perthshire, e.g on the riverbank in Dunkeld, and at Cluny House Gardens near Aberfeldy (I posted a pic of the bark in my latest "Big Tree Country" blog). It has the most amazing red bark with white horizontal markings, and the cherries are on them now). Haven't yet researched how tall these grow. :-)

5 Aug, 2009


Ah! I've seen those! Gorgeous!
Well get on with the research, man!! LOL! :~))

5 Aug, 2009


What did your last "slave" die of? LOL!

Glad that my outings/pics/notes. etc., are beginning to be of some "real" use, lol! :-)

5 Aug, 2009


He died of not doing as he was told, of course! Lol!
They certainly are of use! I can't wait to create this! I bought 2 pagoda shaped lanterns today (£1 each, extortionate!)
Did you see your tin yet? :~))

5 Aug, 2009


Well, from what you say, he certainly didn't die in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove, lol!

Wow, hey, big spender! Bet they look gr8, too!

Thank You, have seen my tin, and look forward to having it. :-)

5 Aug, 2009


Dammit! forgot to submit again! Story of my life!
Of course he did, no point in having a dog & barking yourself! LOL!
They do look good, just put a pic up!
Glad you like the tin!

5 Aug, 2009


lovely photo David

6 Aug, 2009


Om mani padme hung...

10 Aug, 2009


Ohm Amideva Hri...
Good morning!

10 Aug, 2009

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