By Indypendant

10 Aug, 2009
this is the thread to discuss the sayings of buddha in if you wish to do so, please be positive and gentle with those who engage with you here Thank you and may peace be with you!
Namaste, Indy
(Namaste means, The light within me bows to the ight within you)
Comments on this photo
The energy is melded... we are one...now we realise it through shared meditations.. welcome to my "little" family Madperth!
10 Aug, 2009
Thank you, Bhante!
10 Aug, 2009
I have put the first saying in, so anyone who wishes to comment on it can do so!
30 Aug, 2009
The sentiments revealed in the teaching were very apt for me today Marie,
I had just put a pic of my old friend up for people to see and written a little about her, I was in tears doing it and looking at her picture, for I still miss her very much. We do seek attatchments and it does hurt when we lose that which we are attatched to.
Thank you for decideing to add that today it cracked me up and made me need to go for a long walk to examine my feelings a most serendipitous choice of day to start reminding us of the truth contained within Dharma!
Namaste! sister.
30 Aug, 2009
I DIDNT choose it! The book has the dates on it, & that was the Buddha's saying for this particular day!
Namaste & Shanti
30 Aug, 2009
You chose today to start though!
30 Aug, 2009
Peut etre!
30 Aug, 2009
Pictures by indypendant
4 of 6
What else?
This photo is of "aaaaaa soul garden" in Indypendant's garden
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Gardening with friends since
18 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Feb, 2009
You do know you've got me sitting watching these pics go up??!
It's unreal!
10 Aug, 2009