Namo Buddhaya
By Indypendant

15 Aug, 2009
dedication session with Green Tara puja,looks happy doesn't he!
Comments on this photo
16 Aug, 2009
Who's Green Tara puja?
29 Aug, 2009
Green tara is the medicine buddha manifested in the form of Tara a feminine manifestation, and a puja is a set of prayers , Green tara will be said tomorrow here by me as an invocation of healing for all our suffering GOY friends their animals and all who are in the universe who need healing (thats everyone except the Buddhas really) for only the unenlightened suffer. It is a long puja and takes about an hour and a half it will also be said on friday the 4th of Sept which is the day that the fourfold medicalTantra was found byTrapa Ngonshe.
tomorrows puja is for Guru Rinpoche day, celebrating the day non Buddhists tried to drown him in the Ganges, but he rose from the waters and performed a Vajra dance in the sky,converting his aggressors into his followers, he is known as "the Guru flying like an eagle".
The conversion can be seen as a form of ealing which is why I will do medicine puja tomorrow. Please feel free to join in spirit between 10.30 and 12, for as much or little time as you wish, I cannot give you the whole puja it is too long but you could chant
which is the green tara mantra if you liked to.
I thank you for allowing me to tell you this
30 Aug, 2009
It's said that Tara was born from the tears of the Boddhisatva Avalokitesvara (also known as Chenrezig) when he saw the suffering in the world (a boddhisatva is one who has attained enlightenment but remained to teach instead of going straight to Nirvana), so she is known as the embodiment of compassion.
Ohm Tare Tuttare Ture Soha! (the E on the end of those are pronounced Eh in case you dont know) I know you do, Indy!
30 Aug, 2009
You guys are brilliant, I've been drawn to these ways for a long time but I've not had anyone to ask all the daft questions that I have. Thank you both. Namaste x
30 Aug, 2009
I'm STILL asking "daft" questions, Jen!
They're only "daft" to the person that asks them, & then only until you get the answer!
30 Aug, 2009
You're very kind x
30 Aug, 2009
Nah! Ask my dad, he'll say, "My daughter doesnt do kind!"
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Any "daft" questions you want to ask, ask away, I cannot pretend to know much but we will try our best to tell it like it is for you,or tell you where to look won't we M, think you know more than I do by the sound of it!
There is a wealth of stuff on the interfret,
On a personal note; Buddhism is the end of a long long road of seeking the right way of being in the world for me, it started (the long road that is) with a christian upbringing,and several years of childhood in the far east where i first met Buddhism, Hinduism and Mohamedism, and has led me through studying each system in detail as well as native belief systems and shamanism.Nothing seemed quite right and I ended up trying to seek the common root of all the "ways" and the oldest and purest seems to me to be Buddhism, it places the responsibilitiy on you to live an ethical existence and develop your spirituality personally, it is non judgemental, non sectarian non racist in fact all the nons there are, all are welcome as to their capacity for self development.
I do not pretend to know if it is the "way" for all or the "way" to heaven, but I do know it is the WAY to leading a good life and having a deep inner peace and understanding of oneself and therefore a deep understanding of others for in the end we ARE all one in and with the universe.I seek enlightenment for myself and pray for enlightenment (and therefore freedom from suffering )for all other sentient beings everywhere they may be.
It is enough for me to know that I have and will continue to try to achieve this end!
Namaste, Indy
(Which means JJ if you don't know yet)
The Light within me bows to the Light within you.
some substitute divine for light!
30 Aug, 2009
You've hit a few nails on the head there Indy, I'll think on what you've said for a while if that's ok, there's a lot to take in.
Namaste, Jen.
30 Aug, 2009
I too had a chritsian upbringing; a catholic mother & protestant father meant I had to go to sunday school with my brothers then cross the road (literally) & go to mass with my mum!
I rejected christianity at 9 years old, when despite all my prayers & belief, my mum, instead of getting better, died at the age of 27. Then her priest told me that "the baby angels in heaven" needed her more than we did! I wont repeat what I answered, but I still remember every word!!
My search led me to Buddhism when I wanted to learn to meditate as a way of calming myself!
I was drawn to "The Middle Way" as it seemed so non-judgemental & compassionate!
I dont know that much, Indy, I just read a lot, & you seem to trigger memories of what I've been told/read!
I have a book of sayings of the Buddha, which gives reflections for every day. I don't always "get" them, but I'll share today's with you if i may!
"Sense pleasures are impermanent. The search for them involves suffering, and they are enjoyed in constant disquiet; their loss leads to much grief, and their gain can never result in lasting satisfaction"
Quite apt for me today, as I need to make decisions on a particular aspect of my life at the moment!
Shanti (means peace, Jen)
Marie x
30 Aug, 2009
My, we're philosophical today!!
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks M, calm is one that eludes me...only ever close to it on my own in the garden.Thanks for sharing x
30 Aug, 2009
It eludes me a lot of the time too!
30 Aug, 2009
The reading is a comfort to me today M. thank you!
30 Aug, 2009
You're welcome! I'd be happy to put them in every day if you would like it!
30 Aug, 2009
Get's my vote M
30 Aug, 2009
As you wish M. that would be nice to hear the words of the Buddha is always welcome and always something to meditate upon.
As and when you have the time or find one that speaks to you!
Perhaps we should start a thread just for such things, what do you think!
30 Aug, 2009
Could do! Do you want me to do it? Or do you want to!
30 Aug, 2009
The thread "after saying 100,000 manis, only has one comment (by you) in it and is the pic of the Buddha in meditation posture with the candle in front. could be a good place to put the sayings. If you agree then I will add a note to tell people not to comment in the thread, but click the like it button if they do like it, maybe we need another thread to discuss the sayings in, should anyone wish to,WDYT (what do you think)
30 Aug, 2009
Yes, that sounds good to me!
Go for it!!
You could copy & paste today's saying into it!
30 Aug, 2009
K, done!
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Two threads made one is for sayings and is the pic of the White BUDDHA and the other is DISCUSION and is the pic of the candle, I'm sure you'll find them!
all my love to you for this Idea M. thanks
30 Aug, 2009
You're welcome! Its a good way to share the Dharma, without "preaching", which I try not to do!
30 Aug, 2009
Second that, I have been missing the sharing the Dharma it is a good thing that we have an opportunity to do so here.
30 Aug, 2009
as long as no-one objects! The first saying has been posted & I put a comment in the discussions thread!
30 Aug, 2009
Why should anyone object? they do not have to read them, it is gardening loosely as when you are in or working in your garden then you reflect on things/life and ease your soul in the doing of it!
30 Aug, 2009
Very true!
30 Aug, 2009
Pictures by indypendant
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This photo is of "aaaaaa soul garden" in Indypendant's garden
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