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Foxy visitor

Foxy visitor

Almost ate with the cats

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oh wow, lovely

15 Aug, 2009



15 Aug, 2009


Fantastic I know a lad that wants these to come into his garden how lucky you are great picture.

16 Aug, 2009


~we have them out in the back lane nearly every night late on~they have that awful sounding cry and the other night something was screaming for ages ~was awful!
No doubt it was taking something home for the cubs and only doing what comes naturally!

16 Aug, 2009


Thats right Arlene it s nature survival of the fittist

16 Aug, 2009


The awful screaming will have been probably the vixon calling for her mate.

17 Aug, 2009


You're so lucky! I love foxes! I used to live in the wilds, & had a family of them came to visit every night! I dumped a b/f because he tried to shoot them!

19 Sep, 2009


really that is so mean.

12 Oct, 2009


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!! That is so cute. down our road every night a fox always comes round and tries to eat the cats! :( Never injured any yet though so it is all googd at the moment. we are worried because we have cats so we dont usually let them out at night but if they wont come in then there is nothing we can do about it!! :) :D

12 Oct, 2009


True,pip, theyre stubborn little things! My cat used to go out when the foxes were there, & they didnt worry about each other, but then I fed the foxes, so they didnt need to kill, I suppose!

12 Oct, 2009


yes my friend feeds the foxes every night

13 Oct, 2009


I dont have any here :~( but I would feed them if they were around! I see them occasionally in the woods near here though.

13 Oct, 2009


It's a very brave or very stupid fox that tackles a cat - cats have got some pretty effective weaponry you know! lol We've got foxes round here - never seen one but heard that eerie cry. I think Doreen's right - it's one or other calling for its mate. I would only worry if I kept chickens or rabbits.

Pipsqeak - I'm glad you keep your cats in at night - you should anyway, regardless of the foxes as many cats get runover at night and they can get into fights and contract feline aids, for which there is no cure, plus it's more considerate to neighbours and their gardens and the wildlife. LOTS of good reasons to keep cats in at night. The Cats Protection League advises that ALL cats should be kept in at night. Anyway, I'm rambling.....

13 Oct, 2009


LOl Sid! I always let Smudge out at night when I lived in the country (half a mile from the road) but not here. Anyway she's old & arthritic, so I like her to be in & warm at night.

13 Oct, 2009


I'm on a One-Woman-Campaign to get people to keep their cats in at night Mad! I'm getting like that mad woman on The Simpsons that throws cats at people. Except I don't throw cats at people. I just harrass them about keeping their cats in at night. But it has the same effect more or less. There are lots of good reasons to keep cats in at night you know!

13 Oct, 2009


Oh, I know! I've had a couple stolen!

13 Oct, 2009


Someone stole your cats?! :-O

14 Oct, 2009


Hey, now now no arguing kids!! I have 3 cats ,did have 6 at one time. Two of them are semi wild, wont come in and only let you pet them through the wopen window, They eat their meals under the kitchen window which is at the front of the house overlooking the road. AND the fox almost eats with them. Henry, "see pic in file" Bl/wt. he comes in at night so did th others before I lost them, but somtimes he just will not come in an I worry, but the have minds ofteir own.

14 Oct, 2009


There was a time when dogs were put out at night and allowed to roam around on their own and I'm sure their owners used to say 'he has a mind of his own' or 'he moans if he's kept in' or whatever......the Mad Cat Woman is keeping a hard line on this one I'm afraid ;-) LOL 'spose if they're wild they're wild....can't blame you for not keeping them in if they are actually frightened to enter a house.

14 Oct, 2009


S'ok, Doreen, we're not arguing, lol!
Yes Sid, 2 of my cats were stolen by a neighbour! I got them back after a month (I thought they'd been run over or something) but only because a friend of mine had visited this woman, knew my cats & insisted that she let them go. She'd had them shut in her house! After that, I couldnt keep them in, but they stayed in the garden!

14 Oct, 2009


It's sad when you loose a pet, we hunted for weeks, calling for our two but no luck, was hoping they would find their way home by themselves as they were much loved.

15 Oct, 2009


Sorry to hear that Doreen, so sad to lose a pet, but worse if you don't know what's happened to them.

Mad - we had a cat that moved in with us a few years ago - had him a couple of weeks - it was summer and the doors/windows were always open, so we weren't holding him against his will lol We advertised cat found and finally found his owner. He still visits us frequently....think he would have prefered to live with us! But now of course we have a Birtie......

15 Oct, 2009


LOL! There are a few like that! I've always let my pets choose me! Though Smudge was brought to me & my ex partner, but she pined when I moved out, & I ended up having her with me!

15 Oct, 2009


All the cats e had and have chose us, and stayed.

16 Oct, 2009


Birtie chose me :-)

16 Oct, 2009


Its the best way! Smudge was spoiled rotten by my ex, even more than she is by me, but I'm the one she chose! :~)))

16 Oct, 2009

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