What is this plant?
By N2organics
- 16 Aug, 2009
The local Ace Hardware store was having a sale on 4" potted plants for only a buck, so I gathered up a pickup bed load of flats and some did not have labels. These cute little succulents were in the mix and I have no idea what they are.
I am trying to learn plant identification and have a long way to go, being kind of new to gardening..
Just to be safe, I potted them in organic potting soil with a rather heavy application of paramagnetic rock sands and expanded shale to duplicate a desert environment.
Anybody out there know what this is? They are just beautiful and are doing great in the "desert pot".
Comments on this photo
I'm not sure.. The blooms look similar, but the stubby leaves are a bit different. I'll have to take an updated photo and upload it because the little thing has grown quite a lot and looks much different than its' "day of planting". :-)
24 Aug, 2009
I think it looks like Delosperma cooperi N2, commonly called trailing ice plant or hardy ice plant. It's hardy to grow in the ground in your zone I believe.
27 Aug, 2009
Flcrazy, I googled the name with the "Image search" and a few of the plants looked a little like what I have as far as blooms go, but the foliage doesn't look the same. The "Delosperma cooperi " looks pretty close, but the flowers are slightly different. It is definitely a succulent of some kind, but has blooms that resemble a "moss rose" or a portulaca of some kind..
Anyway, I could care less what it is, It's growing like crazy and that's what it's all about, right?
I just love the early morning blooms!
27 Aug, 2009
See if it looks like the delosperma sutherlandii. There are several that are very similar in appearance. Would be hard pressed to identify unless your were a botinist..lol
29 Aug, 2009
Flcrazy, I think that you nailed it!
I copied and pasted the plant name to Google images and found very similar examples! Now that I know what it is, I can tailor the soil to give it the optimum growing environment and see what this little guy can do!
My new little succulent thanks you a lot! {big grin}
30 Aug, 2009
It's definitle an Ice Plant & consider invasive here. Gread for BIGGGG areas but best kept in a pot in the garden. If u look in my pic u can see some other pics of them. Lovely flowers.
3 May, 2010
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Could it be a 'Livingstone Daisy'? Here is a link to a GoY page that may help you to confirm...?
18 Aug, 2009