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Sleeping proof............


By Milky

Sleeping proof............

Comments on this photo


Wow. He's turned over. Hope he doesn't strain anything important.

22 Aug, 2009


maybe Maureen helped him turn over Toto, cant expect ray to do that himself now

22 Aug, 2009


I should cocoa. Poor man is exhausted.

22 Aug, 2009


aye well i hope M is ashamed of herself working the poor man this hard

22 Aug, 2009


I know Irish. Being of the male pursuasion myself, I can well understand what the poor b....r is going through and little thanks for it if I know anything.

22 Aug, 2009


not even a cupa infront of poor Ray, never mind a proper drink. shes just not looking after him is she

22 Aug, 2009


Oh Milky he...he......just like Teddy.....only wakes up for meals....Lol (only joking...sorry Ray!!)

22 Aug, 2009


Right boys and girls.....Jnaey is right....he only wakes for feeding most of the time....He doesnt drink cuppa's Eileen, only hot a very sweet tooth my SP, or rather now he has the lack of them.....and all he has done today is looked at what to do next.....just looked.....ha ha ha ...poor b***r lives the life of Reilley, with me running round nafter him. You know what its like girls Lol......

22 Aug, 2009


Oh Milky,you cruel and heartless woman .No pics of poor Ray digging,just of the aftermath !

22 Aug, 2009


To right Bonkers........There are no pics of him digging cos I done the digging

22 Aug, 2009


Well then poor Ray must have got exhausted just watching you Milky !

22 Aug, 2009


That is terrible he never dug and let you do it, he would be out and toy boy in, Milky whats the point in having a dog and having to bark your self, you are pretty nice personality what on earth are you doing girl. I would throw cold water over him , he he then he would have to buy you a new 3 peice he has broken.

22 Aug, 2009


OMG Morgana - you considered becoming an Agony aunt or a counsellor ? Lol

Poor Milky ( and Ray ! ) ...Dear M I dug a hole in my front garden..I have a sleeping hubby and a broken settee what should I do ?

If Morgana s advice doesnt work ..Jane was wondering if you d like a matching pair of Rays ?

23 Aug, 2009


Ooh dug a hole in your front garden....a sleeping hubby....well a quick roll outside...need I say more...Lol!

23 Aug, 2009


Lol Janey you have to be cruel to be kind , I would do the same, and he who dares wins, thats our moto here in the midlands.

23 Aug, 2009


lol M can you imagine a pair of matching Ray's.. one at each end of the sofa

23 Aug, 2009


He he Eileen how scary is that ? At least the seat in the middle would be balanced and think snoring so much better in stereo .. that hole would need to be bigger though oh the suns out here now .. hope you getting some too.

23 Aug, 2009


wish we were BB, its really wild and now its starting raining :-(.
nice to hear tho that someone is getting sunshine, make the most of it yeah

23 Aug, 2009


Sorry to hear that more rain for you ! well just off to the garden before Jane stops me ..I ll fiddle with pond she ll panic and send me off to the pub in disgrace ..catch you later lol

23 Aug, 2009


lol have fun . see you later xx

23 Aug, 2009


lol Irish she would definately need a new sofa then, and lol Bonkersbon, Stereo he he he time for ear blokers then.

23 Aug, 2009


Great Maureen, classic photo of Raymond. These men don't know they are born.

23 Aug, 2009


Dawn,,,have you read these comments........ha ha ha had a good laugh the tears were rolling down my cheeks....Jesus....I would shoot myself if there were 2 of him ......... I could bump him off and put him under the liner in his own hole......he could be an island,....then Toto would stop worrying about wee critters drowning.....They could rest on Rays belly ha ha ha ha ha . Morgana...glad your in my corner.....Eileen.....I thought you were my mate...fancy wishing 2 Ray's on me! Lol

23 Aug, 2009


I saw the comments Maureen, just hilarious. OMG 2 Ray's would never do.
If you're thinking of bumping him off, let me know, I'll come down and help, we could kango hammer the base up, dig a hole, drop him in, concrete him over, job done! Hope he's asleep as we speak so he cant see what I'm saying, lol.

23 Aug, 2009


sorry M , i was only thinking of Jane lol give her a break yeah .
maybe you and Jane could time share the Ray's lol

23 Aug, 2009


No tonight he is awake Dawn, watching Griff Rhys Jones programme on rivers......he likes that....See Morgana is right can stay awake for what he want to. We have had a day out going around aquatic places looking at waterfalls.......Been nice and think we have seen what we want, he just has to get the walls done 1st Lol

23 Aug, 2009


Yep, and move your slabs Maureen, dont forget. So Ray has Selective Sleeping, what a guy!

23 Aug, 2009


You said it Dawn....very a lot of men............

23 Aug, 2009


Hmmmm, I agree,

23 Aug, 2009


I hate to say this but told you so, they will stay awake for what they want even the programs, my x boyfrieds wife played him at his own game ,waited for him to come home from work and she would be ready and down the pub she went with his best mate ha ha I now can see why,. she also became selective , he had to do the ironing himself, and cooking as she got fed up with him 80 hrs a week on the taxi and cooking and he d be late, so she use to tell him when he came in dinners in the dog. and he had to cook his own from then in. A showl of parana fish eats the flesh , dogs will eat the bone, hair will burn, perfect murder body not traceable, cant find the body , they cannot charge you.

23 Aug, 2009


Ha ha ha............I shall remember that Morgana.....

23 Aug, 2009


Good for you

23 Aug, 2009


Do you lot mind! Us men look after you lot and keep you in the style you don't deserve and all you can think about is how to bump us off. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Remember, we men don't need wives or girlfriends, we are totally self sufficient. You should be grateful for all the care we take of you.

23 Aug, 2009


LMAO take care ? take care ? oh of course Milky digging while Ray is sleeping, and keeping her in certain style broken finger nails, wareing her body out and brakeing the settee of course your right more his style .Ashamed ?ashamed ? don't you think we should be praised for such brilliant ideas and plots, we should be running the country and passing all the laws.

23 Aug, 2009


Running the country, passing laws, can you imagine the chaos. We're still trying to get over the tragedy that was the legacy of the last female who supposedly ran the country. Greed is good was her message. I suppose the next thing you'll want is the vote and the right to drive. Heaven forbid. I've seen a lot of men who look just like women pretending to drive cars and even they are bad enough, just imagine the real thing behind the wheel.

23 Aug, 2009


Toto I have news for you I drive I know I am a female as I have given birth to 3 children,which men cannot do, I use to even go bangor racing which I informed the big business men of large firms I use to work for when they thought it funny when they bloked me in with Jags, Mercdes, etc but when I enlightened them on the bangor racing I have never seen men run so fast to move their cars in all my life. Maggy Thatcher, wanted us to own our own properties to be indepedant and do well, tis your Tony Blair and Gorden Brown that has been more greedy and radical signed all englishness away, behind our backs, eg before he got in if you commited a crime or accused like tapping into the pentigon you get tried in usa before you would of been tried here not no more, if you deni what happened to the jews you will be sent to germany to be tried not here. Plus its woman especially in usa that have to get the goverments out of the s..t when they mess up like this time

23 Aug, 2009


Please don't think that for one minute that Blair and Brown have any place in my thinking. Blair in particular is a liar and a crook who is now reaping his reward from Bush in the States and Brown is an incompitent with his head up his own .....

24 Aug, 2009


Hear hear Toto.

24 Aug, 2009 lot.........I thought gardening sites were supposed to have a calming effect.......Blimey.....political rows on GOY.....whatever just have to admit, without us women, you would be nothing, and nowhere. Most of you couldnt organise a p*** up in a brewery.....If you didnt have us to organise you and feed you, do your washing , iron your clothes, and run around after you, you would be lost......Who mended you shorts Toto, when you fell off your Cant hear got your tongue? You couldnt live without us...........

24 Aug, 2009


lol Milky I agree fully, lol Louise Hear hear!!! whats that all about , are we now in the houses of parliement he he he.

24 Aug, 2009


Milky......I was enjoying reading all these funny comments and tittering to myself....thought I would tell Ian...looked over to the settee....and guess what....SNORE!!!....head lolled over the arm.......!!!

24 Aug, 2009


Oh Janey....I am sooooo glad that I am not the only one.....he he he .......

24 Aug, 2009


AAAAAAAWwwwwwwwwwwwww Sweet Dreams Ray & Milky is he wearing His Nickers @ all in this Pic ? lol :)

24 Aug, 2009


Oh yes Jacque, well spotted - you didnt tell us Ray is a Naturalist Milky? Ha ha

24 Aug, 2009


:) good thing the sofa`s arm covers his Bits hey Dawn ? lol

24 Aug, 2009


Absolutely, I know in the past Ray has favoured wearing just his boxers instead of shorts but this is something else, lol

24 Aug, 2009


Hes in his All together Dawn lol :D

24 Aug, 2009


Hey Jacque - I bet I know what he does have on! His socks, lol

24 Aug, 2009



24 Aug, 2009


Ladies pleeeeze........A mans got to keep his feet warm after all..........

24 Aug, 2009


ha ha Maureen, so he did have his socks on?, lol.

24 Aug, 2009


Just Socks u say Dawn ? lol

24 Aug, 2009


Dawn...I never said that now did I .....His Calvins yes ....socks no.....Anyway Jacque....where is your man pic....Dawns put hers on where is yours? huh.......

24 Aug, 2009


Ha ha Maureen - yes Jacque, we've been waiting to see your Phil for some time now, lol.

24 Aug, 2009


I wouldn't put money on it Milky. Life would be so peaceful with nobody to nag. Do you really think that women are actually useful. Why do we need clothes to be ironed or even washed? That is only to please women. Why do shorts need mending? I don't need organising, that is only what women think and as for the p..s up in the brewery, I didn't know that needed organising either. Trouble is, women have their own agenda which doesn't conform to the more interllectual males view.

24 Aug, 2009


Blah, blah Toto, lol. You have to accept that us girls are the superior sex .... end of. Does your wife have access to a camera? Do you ever nod off?

24 Aug, 2009


I'm always to busy looking after her to nod off Dawn.

24 Aug, 2009


you mean does his nurse have access to a camera Dawn lol

24 Aug, 2009


I dont believe you Toto!
Yes Eileen, I'm sure Toto's nurse would maybe get better photo's.
I trust he is still with you Toto - or do I still have to apply for the job, are you applying Eileen?

24 Aug, 2009


You leave my nurse out of this. He is getting very difficult and is starting to lock me up earlier and earlier.

24 Aug, 2009


Thats about right Eileen.....How often does poor nurse turn away to pick up a camera.....she ndarent Lol

24 Aug, 2009


LOL Poor Toto it must be horrid getting Put 2 bed earlier & earlier :( il get sum good Pics of Phil Milky/Dawn when where away Promise ;) lol :)

24 Aug, 2009


Ace Jacque....cant wait.........

24 Aug, 2009


Hello Maureen, Toto's nurse is a male, lol, but he's being horrible so Toto needs to give him the push. Maybe you could apply for the job then as you are quite local - Ann Summer's have the uniform.

24 Aug, 2009


Waiting in anticipation Jacque ;-)

24 Aug, 2009


So am I now.

24 Aug, 2009


LOL SHhhhhhhhhhhh dont want Phil 2 get a Wiff of this idea LMAO :) Boy am i going 2 have some fun with my Camera lol :)

24 Aug, 2009


LOLToto :)

24 Aug, 2009


OMG Dawn........Thats an idea....They sell handcuffs....if I take my camera I could get some real good shots of Toto....Wonder if they do Doctor sets....with enima kits......................

24 Aug, 2009


& No Socks as their Banned from Hoils lol :)

24 Aug, 2009


Toto: Why is the nurse getting very difficult and locking you up earlier?

24 Aug, 2009


Ann Summers dont do socks did u ever notice that Ladies?

24 Aug, 2009


Can you blame him Dawn.......Toto gets very arguementative after tea time

24 Aug, 2009


Jacque: No socks .... no nothing .... we cant wait, can we Maureen.
Milky: You seem very familiar with Ann Summer's stock, lol. Yes, get the furry handcuffs and whatever else is required, lol.

24 Aug, 2009


I shall got in there on Wednesday Dawn, and get the neccessary equipment Lol........

24 Aug, 2009


As you know I run an open invitation to my shed. That is when my nurse and er who must be obeyed are not looking.
When have I ever been arguementative.

24 Aug, 2009


Great stuff and if there's something you can't see, I'm sure they will find it under the counter, ha ha.

24 Aug, 2009


Ann Summers,,,,,,,,, male nurses, handcuffs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
and this all started with the photo of Ray lol

24 Aug, 2009


Funny init Eileen ...... all thanks to Ray and he doesnt even know it, lol.

24 Aug, 2009


Terrible lot aren't they Eileen.....If Ray knew he caused this much trouble he would be delighted......even if he slept through it ha ha ha .....Mind you he woulod want to be in on the action if handcuffs were incvolved.........

24 Aug, 2009


lol maybe hes dreaming of that right now

24 Aug, 2009


Yeah....and Jordan........Lol

24 Aug, 2009


Bet he's dreaming of rendering that pond, lol

24 Aug, 2009


No Dawn....It'll be Jordan deffo

24 Aug, 2009


Oh right, forgot Ray loves Jordan, with her inflatables

24 Aug, 2009


How could you possibly do that Dawn

24 Aug, 2009


No wonder Ray's always asleep as she's always in his dreams, dont know why when he has you :-))

24 Aug, 2009


Cant fantasise about someone that can read you like a book Dawn.......Lol

24 Aug, 2009


I see

24 Aug, 2009


U sure u mean Jordon or Gordon as in Gin Milky lol L:)

24 Aug, 2009


Milky dont get the pink fluffy handcuffs they dont fit men I ve tried them, but if you go to the 1.00 shop they will fit a bloke, why waste money on them , then you can do what I did and get your camera ready. for the expression on his face I will send email lol I might get kicked !!!! of here and I dont want that now do I he he he LMAO things you will need handcuffs you will need stiletos, fancy underwear a bed you can hand cuff them too and a good kick, but their eyes must be closed until the last moment.

24 Aug, 2009 really do go in for the kill dont you Morgana ha ha ha ha ha ............

25 Aug, 2009


Its all in fun good Milky LMAO

25 Aug, 2009


Oh by the way Milky you have no fear of any Jordan or ones like her interested as when my x boyfriend use to flurt with the young woman going shopping and car boots, midlife crisis I call it on their behalf lmao, they could nt keep up with them, I told them about him being asleep and only awaking when it suited him, they said no way would they put up with that, so sorry Ray Jordan and the like are out of your depth of sleep, so dream on as the younger woman say.

26 Aug, 2009


Ha ha ha ha ha Well said Morgana.....

26 Aug, 2009


Thank you Milky, my mum once said I kill with the pen and not with a sword, when I once wrote Dear Sirs, or should I say dear Gods as this is what you think you are, to a high goverment deparment, I did I get good results from it . lol

26 Aug, 2009


I say it to him all they time Morgana......Too old, too fat too bald and not enough energy........Cheeky b****r just says well is she thought that she'd tell me.........I give up Lol

26 Aug, 2009


lol Milky reserve your strenth and good heartedness for the toy boy lol

26 Aug, 2009


OMG I had to read right to the end to see if Ray had his kit on.............brought my hot flushes back lol

29 Aug, 2009


LMAO Dottydaisy

29 Aug, 2009


Oooh sorry about that Dotty....didnt mean to give you hot flushes...ha ha ha ... if only you could see him now....just out of the shower with nothing but a towel........OMG......

30 Aug, 2009


Milky will you please stop that, I cant cope with it at my time of life............

30 Aug, 2009


You could if you were as close as I am Dotty.......Lol

30 Aug, 2009

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