The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Pandanus - Variegated Hala Tree

Pandanus - Variegated Hala Tree (Pandanus - Variegated Hala Tree)

This large variegated Hala tree was located at the Bishop Museum, Kalihi, Honolulu, HI. Kalihi is the district of Honolulu, HI. where I'm from oringinally and many of my family members live.

Comments on this photo


Looks like lots of phormiuns growing on a tree . Fantastic photo

27 Aug, 2009


thats my favorite of the it Delonix ive added it to my favorites

27 Aug, 2009


Mushybanna, there's a huge difference between Phormiun and Pandanus...Pandanus has many thousands of serrated sharp teeth along the leaves...which can cut one to pieces.

Sandra, It is a very beautiful tree...however, it had not fruit on it...which was very surprising.

27 Aug, 2009

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Pandanus - Variegated Hala Tree.

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