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Comments on this photo


love the colour.

28 Aug, 2009


Perfect colour!!

28 Aug, 2009


lovely plant and beautifull flower JJ

28 Aug, 2009


I'm a real sucker for the big leaf plants, which is probably why the garden is now like a jungle!

29 Aug, 2009


i must say i love them to JJ, but now ive filled my garden im stuck with places to put them, maybe i should start over lol

29 Aug, 2009


People thought that I'd run out of space too, so now I've started planting out in the car port! Just can't turn down a plant!

29 Aug, 2009


lol, know what you mean, i sneek them in so baz doesnt notice heheeh

29 Aug, 2009


You've got a big lawn you could eat into!!

29 Aug, 2009


We used to have a lawn.....

29 Aug, 2009


Dont think I'll have one much longer at the rate I'm going!!

29 Aug, 2009


That's how mine disappeared, keep going M your garden's really coming on now.

29 Aug, 2009


Thanks Jen, did some more work on the "wheel" b4 work yesterday , so I'll stick the pics up!

30 Aug, 2009


Lovely to see something evolve from nothing, keep us posted!

30 Aug, 2009


Will do!

30 Aug, 2009


Pretty flower , looks like a flamenco dancers skirt!

1 Sep, 2009


You DO get some unusual images in your head Indy!

1 Sep, 2009


I like em!

1 Sep, 2009


(He's talking skirts M!)...Yes Indy,you have a fertile imagination...actually it does look like a flamenco skirt...see what you mean 8-)))

1 Sep, 2009


Dont encourage him, jen, he'll only get worse! LOL!

1 Sep, 2009


Ooops sorry M, just putting down me castanets x

1 Sep, 2009


LMSO!!!!!!!!!!! ;~)D

1 Sep, 2009


Hey senorita you hava da castanets? I hava da flamingo geetah yes! We makea da sweeet musica you an mi ok!

1 Sep, 2009


In the name of the wee man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Sep, 2009


Ole senior, weel sweesha da flamenco skirto as I twirlo witha de maracas!

1 Sep, 2009


Loco, absulamente loco!

1 Sep, 2009


watcha ow u twirla wid my maracas hokey dokey eez famly hairluum Ole!

1 Sep, 2009


Oooooooooooh all that stamping about's done me knees in, better have a sit down for a bit, phew!

1 Sep, 2009



1 Sep, 2009


It's ok falling on the floor M, it's the getting up again that's the difficult bit (creak, groan) x

1 Sep, 2009


Ditto M. JJ you takea hem eeezy hokay watcha de neees u neeeda dem fo au da beezneez u gotta bi makin ina da gaaden!

1 Sep, 2009


I've noticed that myself!! I'm cream crackered today!!

1 Sep, 2009


I've just had me castanets confiscated so I'm gonna go and sulk in me bedroom for a bit. Huh, can't a girl do a twirl when she feels the need?

1 Sep, 2009


You can twirl all you want, Honey!

1 Sep, 2009


This is what happens when it's raining you see, no gardening, too much energy, feel better now tho'! x

1 Sep, 2009



1 Sep, 2009


eef dey no lika da twirlywhurly den u comma roun mio gaffo an twirly alla u wan K!

1 Sep, 2009


OK finished sulking now...I didn't know they did the fandango in Wales Indy, not sure what to make of your last word senior! LMSO

1 Sep, 2009


OOOPS lol, alla u wan,okey dokey! (K) punctuation, punctuation; punctuation!, Indy! gettin to sloppy in me ole age, time to gogh!

1 Sep, 2009 exit...stage right! ;0)))

2 Sep, 2009


LOL!!! Senior, Jen?

2 Sep, 2009

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