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Aster novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee'

Aster novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee' (Aster novae-angliae (New England aster))

This is the plant that I moved a few weeks ago - at completely the wrong time of year! I'm amazed that it has survived, :-))

Comments on this photo


It's a lovely pic Spritz but couldn't you please post something I can pronounce?

28 Aug, 2009


I think it has an alternative name - hold on a moment.........................

How about Michaelmas Daisy 'Autumn Snow'...?? Better??

28 Aug, 2009


Much better, thanks.

28 Aug, 2009


You're welcome. :-))

28 Aug, 2009


The first name looks like a cough and a sneeze - perhaps it's got swine flu?

28 Aug, 2009


Aaaahhhh poor thing! No - it's only German!! lol.

28 Aug, 2009


Beautiful A tissue A tissue think I ve caught the flu oink oink

28 Aug, 2009


No laughing - there really IS a member down with swine flu - it does sound pretty awful! :-((

29 Aug, 2009


Yes it does sound horrible, not looking forward to the grandchildren going back to school, nor are their mothers.

29 Aug, 2009


I just read in the paper that the first vaccines won't be ready until October! A bit late, wouldn't you say? Just in time for the MPs when they come back from their holidays!! lol.

30 Aug, 2009


Anybody up for sending Alistair Darling, MP a letter telling him how to solve all our economic problems?

30 Aug, 2009


Dont all rush........

30 Aug, 2009


Would he take any notice? Would the letter even GET to him?? Anyway, he's probably in the Seychelles or somewhere far, far seas, warm sun, golden beaches, no worries - OH, to be an MP!!!

30 Aug, 2009


I'll put it on a little blog and you can tell me whether to send it to him.

30 Aug, 2009


Go on then! (I shouldn't be encouraging you - you might get flagged!)

30 Aug, 2009


Oh go on a devil!!!

31 Aug, 2009


I did it yesterday, Daisy - I've almost been voted in already! lol.

1 Sep, 2009


Just read it....brilliant, you have my vote.

1 Sep, 2009


Shame we can't REALLY vote you in....:-(((

2 Sep, 2009



2 Sep, 2009


I wonder if the man himself does any gardening?? Somehow, I think not...

2 Sep, 2009


lovely little aster, spritz. I have an old purple one, just coming into flower.

4 Sep, 2009


Lovely HUGE Aster, more like, Sbg! It's very tall - I should say 'they' because I have two clumps... lol. I have to support these.

4 Sep, 2009


mmm i have some tall ones too. one variety 'Calliope ' is over 5ft and i forgot to stake one clump, its all over now.

4 Sep, 2009


With the wind we're having every day at the moment - I'm really glad I DID remember to put those circular supports round the clumps!

4 Sep, 2009

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Pictures by spritzhenry
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This photo is of "Aster novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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