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Behind the shed.

Behind the shed.

I love the secret feel of the tall grass and mown pathways but each year it is becoming more wild with bracken, brambles and sapplings including Goat willow that shoots out all over the place if cut while strimming or grazed by dear.

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absolutely the mown pathways.

31 Aug, 2009


Having the pathways does provide me with a sense 'maybe possible' amongst the mass of 'you're kidding!'
This is my favourite stage...if only it stayed this way.

31 Aug, 2009


Lovely photo.
Welcome to GoY

1 Sep, 2009


I love your place what about a goat or a donkey even chickens to help you?

2 Sep, 2009


Thank you D
'Live' mowers are something we have been considering, Donkey's, but especially goats will destroy all plant life should they get loose, and they are very good at that. We are thinking about chickens though, talking about that today infact, Thank you, thats another vote in favour!

3 Sep, 2009


Another tick in the "Yes" only concern being the local foxes that would also vote for chickens!!
Once upon a time ...we had a "nanny mower" ...when I was a kid (sorry - couldn't resist that!) She kept our acre of wilderness under control beautifully - until she nibbled some of the wild rhododendrons....nearly lost her...a diet of bran saved her...and the rhodos got the heave....lesson learned.
If you can "contain" a couple of could save yourself a lot of energy..and maybe enjoy the milk and cheese!!

6 Sep, 2009


Not sure about goats at the moment, it feels a bigger stap than chucks. There is also containment!! They are good at getting out and I remember getting my friends goats back in was a regular pastime when I was wee. It was also an often used and readily excepted excuse for being late to school ("sorry Miss but the goats got out") even if they hadn't.
With chickens as you mentioned, there's the issue of foxes! Penned in won't clear the ground and free ranged will get taken. I'm thinking on a fox proof fence that can be moved around at the moment. Something that may involve an electric fence in some way. It can't be easy otherwise it will have been done before and would be common knowledge throughout the smallholding fraternity.
Still, something needs to be done so I will try not to let this fox me, if I chicken out and give up now it would really give me the goat.....(sorry about the puns)

6 Sep, 2009


Does the local donkey sanctuary (may be milles away) need a home for one. I had goats as a child loved every minute of them. But live mowers do tend to eat! Geese leave a lot of droppings and the foxes will get them. Chickens have to be very well locked up at night or foxes will get in. Find out what the locals do or we would never get free range eggs?

6 Sep, 2009


I thrive on you will have noticed!! How about sheep? More easily contained ...your talk of electric fences made me think of them ...and they eat most things. Lambo and Rambo could maybe crop the meadow for you!!!
Great fun for youngsters too....not sure how young yours are of course....well passed the "Mary had a little one etc" stage!! Just a thought!

6 Sep, 2009


Does the local farmer lend sheep out they did in my day?

6 Sep, 2009


Good idea Drc....we often see "Pasture for grazing" in the local paper here on the east coast there must be a supply of sheep to do the needful!! Presumably they do so on the west coast too?

6 Sep, 2009


Had thought about sheep too because the boys looked after some orphaned lambs from the bottle to grazing over the last few springtimes and they asked to keep them (Our lads are 11 & 7yrs).
As we live in the middle of our site with our bits and bobs around us I don't think sheep would be ideal but goats may be as they could graze on the teather.
Also I grew up with a pet donkey rescued from the slaughter house as a very wee foul. None close to home and same problem as with sheep I think, also not enough groend to keep a donkey fed.
Borrowing is a good idea to follow though. I'll have to ask around.
I know if I mention this to the boys they'll want all of them!!!

6 Sep, 2009


Have you got a flock of anything yet Garden fool?

13 Sep, 2009


No flocks, gaggles or herds yet Drc. With autumn approaching early here the urgency is off. Something to think about over the coming months.

13 Sep, 2009

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