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Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana - San Diego, CA

Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana - San Diego, CA (Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana)

This little Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana was blooming very well in late July 2009. Photo taken July 23, 2009.

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beautiful! never saw a red to match this...

5 Sep, 2009



5 Sep, 2009


Thats lovely.

5 Sep, 2009


Lori, you will actually one day have to see a Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana in bloom in person. It is so much brighter in person than a photo can ever portray. The red flowers are so bright when you see photos they look bleed-out!

Yorkshire, Clarice: Thanks! : > )

6 Sep, 2009


THATS what I'm shooting for in the bay area. One of that size would be perfect here
But,I'm not even in Haywards mildest the base of the Hills where I am seems to be a bit colder then downtown or at hayx for lows in really cold events.
If every winter was like the last two? It could be done. A el nino?.lol..might be too wet for them.

10 Oct, 2014


This tree would be extremely difficult to keep alive even in the mildest winters up north. I know of the one in Livermore...I would be interested in how the person is keeping it alive and dry in winter.

11 Oct, 2014

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