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jellybean cactus

jellybean cactus (Sedum rubotinctum)

spring for my jellybean, The tips are clumping up so there is a chance of a little flower show this year!

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I have this one. It blooms whenever it feels like it but not too often.

17 Apr, 2008


jelly bean! like the name...what does the blossom look like...a jelly bean?

7 Jun, 2008


I haven't seen it bloom yet, I expect big and waxy like most succulents. It's looking alot more adult this summer. The leaves are fattening up (like a jelly bean). I have a better light on them, changed to high pressure sodium and buds are popping out of everything! This one as well I hope.

9 Jun, 2008


Great! don't forget to post!

9 Jun, 2008


This is not a Sedum - it is an Anacampseros - pink or purple flowers???

24 Nov, 2010

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This photo is of species Sedum rubotinctum.

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This photo is of "Jellybean cactus" in Greenthumb's garden

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