By Clarice

14 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
Well captured I call them bullies of the sky he he:o))
14 Sep, 2009
They're controlled around here because of their very high numbers.
They're a bit of a nuisance, to say the least :(
(We live close to an area of dense woodland aswell as parks and they're everywhere)
14 Sep, 2009
you mean they kill them louise! :o(
14 Sep, 2009
I have know councils in the past higher people to kill the pigeons a bloke who use to work for them doing this job told me.
14 Sep, 2009
yes i know that to morgana, it happening all the time in blackpool, we have so many here, but not magpies surely, i know they are bullys and some say a pest but such lovely looking birds and no trouble as ive noticed
14 Sep, 2009
They've taken the eggs from a pigeon's nest in our garden for the last three years - don't think the pigeons would agree with you Sanbaz.
14 Sep, 2009
I have had many dead pigeons in my garden with their stomachs ripped open, I have sat and watched magpies on the roof of the chapel next door, where they have both attacked another magpie, then the 2 that were left eating a little chick one tried to push the other off the roof .
14 Sep, 2009
Yes i call them bullies, at least there are no babies i think for them to take, find its at this time when they come in garden all the other birds stay still, till there gone.
14 Sep, 2009
oh my god morgana how awfull, ive seen them chase dogs when they get close to nest area, when i use to go up to the fields with my dog, they dont mess about,
14 Sep, 2009
Perhaps girls we ought to have them as our new Police he he
14 Sep, 2009
lol morgana
14 Sep, 2009
14 Sep, 2009
Is that a yea then he he
14 Sep, 2009
Sanbaz, yes they do around here because their numbers get staggeringly high.
They're not the nicest of birds. I watch them prevent the numerous adult blackbirds, that have dozens of nests here, from getting to their own nests/young - the distress calls break your heart :((((
15 Sep, 2009
i guess if you have seen what they do it is a differant story louise, i just dont like the thought of anything being killed, but see why
15 Sep, 2009
I'm the same Sanbaz re killing but what these birds do around here is awful :(((
I know i keep repeating myself but their numbers here are SO high, the babies born earlier in the year are now maturing and the whole horrible cycle's starting again :(((
Foxes are a damn nuisance here too - same reason .... woods and parks !
Hey ho !
Maybe i should move somewhere less 'natural' !!!
15 Sep, 2009
even have probs with animals in big cities like newyork, i was over visiting a friend in buffalo newyork state, and they have big cats coming in the night, of my god and other wild animals coming to cities for food as there isnt enough in the wild, same here to, men are taking all the land and resources from which animals live and depend, its a vicious circle for animals to and for us, blame the goverment and people with money and power, they are killing it all, sorry im moaning now lol
damn sun gone in now lol x
15 Sep, 2009
It's a difficult situation isn't it ? (not the sun !)
15 Sep, 2009
lol louise, :o))
15 Sep, 2009
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14 Sep, 2009