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Pimenta dioica - Allspice Tree

Pimenta dioica - Allspice Tree (Pimenta dioica - Allspice Tree)

The Allspice tree grows to 40 feet / 14 meters tall. This small tree is in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. It is loaded with fruit which turns black when ripe. The tree is native to West Indies and Southern Mexico. Photo taken August 15, 2009.

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I like it.

16 Sep, 2009




18 Sep, 2009


Mmmm... the wonderful smell of allspice. I've often wondered if, since the smell of the spicy seeds are similar to the smell of a combination of cinnamon bark and clove buds,...if it was somehow related to those two other plants?

4 Oct, 2009



Cinnamon trees are grown here...however, they are in the Laureceae (Laurel) family. Allspice tree and Clove is in the same family Myrtaceae (Myrlte)

5 Oct, 2009

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