The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Jackfruit - Artocarpus heterphyllus - San Diego, CA.

Jackfruit - Artocarpus heterphyllus - San Diego, CA. (Jackfruit - Artocarpus heterphyllus)

A 10 foot Jackfruit tree in City Heights, San Diego, CA. This tree is very healthy...however, no fruits. Photo taken Sept. 9, 2009

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One of these potted Jackfruit tree's..about 5' was for sale here. Sold too- $140

8 Oct, 2014



I just noticed this comment from 2014. Lol

This tree used to be more than 20 ft a few years ago. They always cut it way back. It covers the signs from the businesses in this building. I saw fruit on it once. It was the size of a basketball. I could kick myself for not getting a pic!

23 Mar, 2022


I never would have guessed I've been here for eight years now. 5,6..time flys.

23 Mar, 2022

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This photo is of species Jackfruit - Artocarpus heterphyllus.