Plumeria rubra "Plastic Pink" - Plastic Pink Plumeria
By Delonix1

16 Sep, 2009
My Plumeria "Plastic Pink" flower. It is just starting to bloom now. It should have started blooming months ago. For my GoY friend Milky. This tree has lost about 25% of its leaves during our 3 week long extreme heat wave that ended this past weekend...Finally!
Comments on this photo
Its such a pretty pink Andy......Lovely.
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks! Another heat wave is coming back starting tomorrow. Yuck!
Yes, the plant was heat-stressed and super dry. I noticed the ground was as hard as concrete...the water wasn't penetrating the soil. I had to dig holes around the tree for the water to get to the roots.
When I purchased this plant 7 years ago as a foot-long stem. It was sold to me as Plumeria "Plastic Pink". I'm having doubts now...I think it may be Plumeria "Hawaiian Pink or Red"
17 Sep, 2009
That's exactly the problem we have here during the hot, hot summers - the soil turns hard as rock and sprinkler water hardly penetrates even when we mulch!
17 Sep, 2009
Yes, I know the feeling...mulching is futile! The water runs through the mulch and runs off the baked concrete-hard soil. I have sandy-loam, rocky drains very well when we get lots of rain. (which hardly ever happens)
We just have to hope that the current "El NiƱo" will bring us good rains this year to break our horrible drought.
17 Sep, 2009
I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both!!
17 Sep, 2009
I will too...for both of us. Because I do know your area experiences horrible droughts also.
18 Sep, 2009
Wonderful picutre Andy!
My plumeria lost all its leaves because the rigorous winters, no signs of leaves yet.
23 Sep, 2009
All they need is some heat...then the leaves come out fast.
This Plumeria tree lost a huge branch due to
Santa Ana Winds. It was looking so good. Now I have a huge
stake on the tree...and it doesn't look as full anymore. : > (
24 Sep, 2009
Awww... sorry to hear, sometimes nature shows her meanie mood...
Moreover, nature's concepcion of "perfection" may not fit your own... :o) and this tree wasn't supposed to look as full as you would like ...
26 Sep, 2009
You' are so correct! Mother Nature knows what she is doing...we don't know what the reasons are initially, however, we don't have much control either. This tree will recover and look good again actually doesn't
look so bad now...since it's been staked.
26 Sep, 2009
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Gorgeous colour - glad to hear the heat wave is over. Obviously the poor thing was a bit heat stressed!
16 Sep, 2009