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Anti Slug Armoury

Anti Slug Armoury

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Looks like you are planing an all out war there Muddy

9 Apr, 2008


do they all work.......................

9 Apr, 2008


Well, depends what you mean. Don't get too many, but just can't get rid of them all, especially from the joints in the paving slab. Kept my hostas, but not seen them this year - yet

9 Apr, 2008


Looks like you are doing a good job Muddy boots!

John and I have got a new hobby .. when is dark we go out with a powerfull torch piking slugs and snails for discarting them.

My Hosta too is untouched, it is in a pot on the patio so I can keep an eye but all the plants around look like are doing well too this year.

29 Jun, 2009

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This photo is of "Slugs" in Muddy_boots's garden