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A garden flower photo

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A brave thing trying to photograph the moon something I keep trying to do and failing.

16 Sep, 2009


Lovely photo :o)

17 Sep, 2009


Bob, have you got a mode on your camera to take lots of fast shots? Thats what I do. Take about a dozen and you should get one good one. You just need a really steady hand to keep the camera still. Nice shot Linclass

17 Sep, 2009


This is beautiful.

17 Sep, 2009


great shot lincs , im the same bob i have tried and failed :o(

17 Sep, 2009


Well done Linslass.
Bob. Only try after having plenty of steadying juice.

17 Sep, 2009


Yep I have Milky but I will have to invest in a tripod as the shots I take are usually spoilt by shaky hands, (must've been too much steadying juice Toto) I have a DSLR camera and I use the long lens so I do need a tripod, maybe if my wife see's this comment she may tell a certain jolly fat man with a white beard and a red suit to get me one hehehe

17 Sep, 2009


Ask your wife to be your tripod a few times Bob ,then moan at her for not holding her breath for long enough,she will be pleased to buy you one.LOL.

17 Sep, 2009


Clever.....very, very clever! Definitely worth a try....only 97 days to get practicing, Bob!

18 Sep, 2009


I am speaking from personal

18 Sep, 2009


The time I take to compose some shots Lincslass she may well be blue in the face :o)))))
97 days ..... O.M.G.

18 Sep, 2009


Not only did I get blue in face Bob we turned the air blue between us, although have to admit we used to get some smashing night shots,s........

18 Sep, 2009


Ha ha I know where your coming from there Lincslass, my better half can come out with some choice language at times that would make a sailor blush, but only when she is REALLY riled up :o))))

18 Sep, 2009

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